That one ᏰᏒᏬᎻ ᎷᎾᎷᎬᏁᎿ of Johnny and Gyro

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Johnny was laying down near a campfire, thinking of where to piss, and how, as he was a crippled bitch. He thot, 'maybe I should just roll away until I'm far enough away to not get noticed by Gyro. Seems legit.' And thus, the cripple continued to roll 30 feet away.

He got to a dry bitch bush and little did he realize, Gyro was next to the dry bitch bush, sleeping and using it as a blanket. He took a giant piss and pissed on Gyro. Gyro woke up. Oh no! He got "pissed" (Badum tsss).

Gyro said "I am so pissed Johnny! How did you even manage to find me?! I made sure your Cripp- I mean- your Fat 🅰🆂🆂 couldn't find me!" "Bro...-I mean, Gyro... It's not what it looks like! I just rolled away from the fire hoping you wouldn't see me piss!" Exclaimed Johnny.

"Now, you've done it! " Said Gyro. "Your 🅆🄴🄴🄽 is small!" He shouted. Johnny has never experienced such hurt since his dadccident, so he started crying and having a tantrum.

Gyro felt bad and said "Maybe one day, a horse and a wheelchair won't be the only things you ride in your lifetime." Johnny then felt 📯knee. They started kissing with so much passion, Johnny wasn't cripple no more. Then they had *(passionate hugging)*.

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