JotaKak: Lazy Time

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(Warning: not a bruh moment, this is for real. Oh and mild swearing + written on phone)

Jotaro's POV

Why does life end up like this? The one time I get to share a room with my friend, or 'crush' as others call it, it's only a single bed. This is way to much of a coincidence. Damn you old bastard. But for once, maybe it's not so bad. The stand users haven't shown up for a bit. Maybe I can finally laze around. Kakyoin told me he liked games, so I thought we could finally buy one or two games.

I go up to Kakyoin who was looking out the window and ask "wanna go buy some games? I can use the old man's money." He just kept staring out the window then he chuckled and said "you are such a delinquent. I guess I kinda see why girls like you." Oh, what a nice compliment. I didn't think he thought of me that way but life has many surprises. "Thanks I guess, what about some donuts?" He mumbled something with a sad tone that I couldn't quite hear. "What?" "Oh, I said why don't we just hang out here and sleep. It has been too long since we could rest peacefully."

He smiled. It "looks nice when you smile..." He suddenly had a flustered and confused face. Aw, he stopped smiling. "W-what? Di-did you just- are you sure- but why?" Crap? Do I just say my feelings? Uhhhh fuck it. "Yeah, and? Got a problem?" Oh no that was too tough. Let me rephrase that. "What I meant, was that yes, I do. And we could maybe sleep together cuddling? I won't force you." Kakyoin had a calmer look on his face. He looked at me and started walking up to me. He hugged me.

"I'm glad." I was relived he was calmer now. I can barely handle myself confused. I hugged back and then let go so he could go to the bathroom change into more comfortable clothing. We did just get in here after all. After we both change we go to the bed and start cuddling like we said. I turned on the TV to watch something interesting. Having Kakyoin here, not fighting stand users trying to take our lives feels really warm. It might be because I'm holding him, or that I like him, but I don't care.

I wish after this was over we could go to see beautiful places, together. Maybe in the future do more than kissing and holding hands. But right now, he's here, and that's all that matters. Kakyoin is starting to get tired so I let him rest his head on my shoulder. I like being lazy like this. I brush the now sleeping Kakyoin's hair so it doesn't bother him. I'm lucky to have him. Maybe we could get more lazy time later. For now, we enjoy our company.

What did you guys think? I hope I did ok, it's my first real oneshot. I might take a few requests with the specific of what they're doing or gonna do. No smut yet, still learning how to make not weird. Thanks for reading!

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