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Taehyung and Yebin walked out from his room at the same time before they looked at each other.

But then,Hoseok walked up the stairs then looked at both of them with a smile.

Taehyung and Yebin smiled back to him before Hoseok walk upstairs to Yoongi's room.

When he gone,both Taehyung and Yebin quickly walked closer to the stairs to find out about Yoongi but the only thing they heard just the sound of the door closing.

They both looked at each other before Yebin spoke,

"Yah,Yoongi oppa was so scary",she said.

"I know right,but how can Hoseok hyung didnt know about his name?",he said to Yebin.

Both of them thought about it before Yebin broke the silence,

"They just started dating yesterday",she answered.

Taehyung crossed his arms against his chest,

"I still cant believe someone can fall in love at Yoongi hyung",he said.

Yebin looked at her brother with her furrowed eyebrows,

"I cant believe if someone will like you",she teased Taehyung before Taehyung pinched her ear.

"What?Im very cute...girls like cute boys",he defended himself while Yebin was still in pain as her ear was pinched by Taehyung.

She pushed Taehyung then held her ear before she sticked her tongue out.

"Whatever",she replied to him.

As she took a step forward,Taehyung suddenly held her hand,stopped her.

"Where are you going?",he asked.

Yebin pushed Taehyung's hand from hers then looked at him,

"To the garden,why?",she answered.

"What for?",Taehyung asked back.

"I want to look at pretty flowers,not uglyheads like you",she answered.

Taehyung wanted to pinch Yebin but he doesnt want to waste his time.

"What about you?",Yebin asked him.

Taehyung smirked,

"None of your business",he chuckled then ran away from Yebin.

"Stupid!",Yebin yelled at Taehyung.


Yebin hid at the garden when she saw Taehyung walked out from the house.

She looked at Taehyung who was walking happily while holding his bag to go somewhere.


She suddenly someone was hiding behind a car that parked on the street,the person was secretly looking at Taehyung before he hurriedly followed Taehyung from behind.

"Jimin?what is he trying to do?"

But then,she just ignored it cause as long as Jimin was not with his friends.

If not,she might follow them cause they might plan to bully Taehyung.

She quietly went upstairs then read the spell to meet Jungkook.


Voices of students laughing and playing with each other were heard.

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