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Mackenzie's POV

"Now how do you expect me to do this Harold? This is fucking torture." I say to the teacher who is making me fucking write 'I am a rebellious little shit' on a piece of paper two-hunderd times over.

"Mackenzie, this is detention. You wouldn't be here if you weren't such a rebellious little shit." He says reading his news paper.

"And that is Mr. Deeds to you." He says and I smirk. "I've always liked you man." I say and get up and sitting on the table.

"You're a cool dude." I say as I doodle on the paper.

Harold over here gave me detention because I drew a middle finger shaped like a penis on his white board in permanent marker. 

"You know what? You can leave. You're annoying me." He says and turns the page in his newspaper.

"My dude! This is why I like you, Harold." I say smiling while grabbing my bag and walking out of the class.

I enter the empty hallway and skip down to my locker. I shove my whole bag in there only getting my phone and pack of cherry liquorice out.

I don't know how any normal person being can eat the original liquorice. It's just so freaking disgusting.

I plug my headphones in and pop a whole string in my mouth. I see Derek, my bestfriend walk towards me. His white tank top is drenched with sweat and his blonde hair is wet as well.     

I smile brightly and he shakes his head. "What did you do now?" He asls going to his locker and getting his bag out.

"Why do you think I did something. Can't I just be a good friend and wait for you to finish with practice?" I say and he looks at me. "No. No you can't."

"Ugh. Harold gave me detention 'cause I left him a pretty drawing." I say smiling. He chuckles and I look at him.

Derek is hot. I would be dumb if I didn't think so. Those green eyes can hypnotize any girl and that jaw can get them dripping in seconds.

Derek plays basketball but he isn't cocky, being the best player and all. He doesn't think he fucking owns the world like the rest of those fuckers.

Derek is actually a sweetheart so I don't understand why he's friends with me but hey, I'm complaining 'cause I love the idiot.

I won't tell him that though.

"You gonna stay here or come to the gym with me?" He asks as he holds a towel in his hand. "Yes. I would love to watch a bunch of sweaty, shirtless pigs throw a ball around." I say sarcastically.

"You're an asshole." He says throwing his arm around my shoulder. "You stink man." I say pushing him away.

We walk into the gym and I watch them play. Derek has always been you dedicated and always did his best. His dad is kind of an asshole so I understand that he wants to make him proud.

"Go Derek, you fucking got this." I scream when he goes to score. Guess what? He fucking scores.

The coach laughs and Derek shakes his head with a small smile.

After an hour and four packets of Cheetos, practise ends and Derek heads to the showers while I wait for him by the door of the locker room.

"Hey Kenzie, you should scream for me next time, but preferably in the bedroom setting." One of Derek's pig teammates, Trevor, says.

I smile sweetly and walk over to him. I trail my hand down his chest to his tiny friend. I grab him roughly and he growls out.

"Sorry Trev. I like my boys big. I don't like to be tickled." I say to him finally letting go, leaving him to cradle his bruising little balls.

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