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A boy found at the forest in North Carolina. His parents claim they lost him 3 days ago. They say his babysitter ...
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Chloe Hernandez found dead in an old factory tonight. The girl who was kidnapped at the age of 17 was found shot in a factory that she has been held captive in for more than 4 years. We would love to share condolences with her parents and friends that have been looking for her for years.

She escaped her kidnappers a few years ago but 's members found her hiding place and killed her. The autopsy performed on her body shows that she wasn't just shot but also drugged. The police have promised that they will be working hard to find the person who killed her.
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A man from The Dark World Gang was shot by a CIA agent. Agent Clark says that the man was trying to attack him...
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Shot? Couldn't they have come with a more creative way of killing me? I know that this was all Smith's work. He wanted to make my family give up after he found that they hadn't already.
When I scrolled through the news, I saw a picture of a man I know too well. He wasn't clearly seen on the picture. He was in the footage of the bank robbery. He had a hoodie on but he looked right into the security camera.

He was dead. Everyone told me that he was dead, that I killed him. Samuel Jonas can't be alive. "I must be mistaken." I say aloud to make myself calm down but it doesn't work. I know his face to well to be mistaken about this.

I picked my phone from the nightstand and called someone I can always rely on.

"Hey." I said. "I need your help."

"Sure. What can I do for my queen?" he says jokingly. I didn't laugh. "What happened? Did that Johnson guy hurt you?" His voice was full of concern and nothing else.

"No, nothing happened. I will send you a picture. It is not a clear one but I think you can tell me who it is."

"Of course, I will." He says. "I am the best hacker the CIA has."

"The second best." A familiar voice comes from the other end of the phone.

"Sandra?" I shouted. "They gave you your job back? Why did you not call me?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe, it's because I don't know your new phone number."

"Thank God you are back. I will send you guys a picture of someone. It is a security camera footage picture. So, it is hard to make sure who that person is. But since you are one of the best hackers – well two actually – I think you might find him."

"Ok, send it to my email. I am tired of the CIA. I want to have some fun." Sandra said.

Daniel and Sandra are part of the hacking team in the CIA. They are the best ones. They were one of my best friends. They know everything about me but not because I told them. They searched about me, hacked my phone and computer, and hacked the CIA to know about me.

Sandra was like their leader but then she did something that made her suspended for a month. She got involved in the agents' work. She was supposed to stay behind the camera but she refused to listen and obey.

I sent them the picture of the said dead yet alive man.

Sandra called and told me that I will have to wait until tomorrow to know whether it is exactly the person I think he is or not. I am hoping that he is not since he is the last person I want to see in this world.

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