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"Chloe Hernandez? As in the girl who died yesterday?"

"Yes, Chris will get into prison because of helping me if you don't delete any evidence of him ever meeting Chloe."

"Tell me everything."

"I will, but this is urgent. Ryan Johnson and Michael Hernandez are the ones who will accuse him which means there is no stopping them. Even the CIA or FBI can't do that."

"Ok, you will tell me everything at dinner, tonight."

"Okay, bye."


I continued to watch them talking. The blonde guy doesn't talk. It seems like he is invisible to them. They don't even say a word to him.

"Ryan, I know you are new to this world, the business world. I know your sister is going to marry our brother sometime soon. But that doesn't make us want to be a partner with you. Our daughter died because you didn't tell us what you found. You are the reason Chloe died. I can't team up with my daughter's murderer." My mom said.

"You do not understand me, Mrs. Hernandez. I didn't know until she was killed–"

"I don't care. And by the way, there is no need in making the Christopher guy arrested. He helped our daughter, unlike you." My mom snapped and I felt happy and proud: happy for making this sexist boss of mine anger, and proud for having a mother that cares more about her daughter than money or some shitty partnership.

"Mrs. Hernandez, you need to put yourself in his shoes." The blonde guy said. His voice was too familiar.

"Sebastian, you work for me, not for him." My dad said.

Sebastian? As in Sebastian Jacobs? As in Samuel Jonas? The man who kidnapped me? The man who I believed I killed is working for my father? How the heck did he earn their trust? How can their enemy be their employee?

"Mr. Johnson, you promised to find her. Well, you know what they say. Don't make a promise you can't keep." My dad said. His old calm voice has been changed into an annoyed and sad voice. "If you want to apologize to Chloe, the funeral is at 3 pm." With that, my mom and dad went out of his office. Sebastian – I mean Samuel – followed after them.

Ryan called someone.

"Can I come now?"

After a few seconds, he said, "Thank you, I really need to talk to someone. See you."

He went out of his office. I wanted to follow him so I did. Nobody saw me come in. I called him.

"Sorry, I couldn't come today. My mom is in surgery and there had to be someone in the hospital."

"It is not a problem. You need to be there for your parents before you lose them. You can take this week off."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Johnson."

"You are welcome, Abigail. But you will have to come to the funeral of one of our partner's daughter, Chloe Hernandez. She was on the news today."

"Okay, I will try."

"You must come. You are one of the most important employees in our company. We have to show our compassion towards the family."

"Okay, I will come."

"3 pm."

"Okay, goodbye Mr. Johnson."

"Ryan. Mr. Johnson is my dad. I am Ryan."

"Okay, goodbye Ryan."

"Goodbye Abigail, I hope your mother becomes well soon."

"Me too," Then he ended the call.

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