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I read some stuff about business and law. I read basic things about law from the internet in case someone asks me about it. I always hated law and now I have to work as a lawyer. It was exhausting and boring to read all those things that always included words like 'article', 'number' and 'must.'

The next morning, I woke up early to practice "my" morning routine. I took the black headphone and plugged it to my iPhone. Mr. Smith has said that Ryan is probably going to hire spies on me so I have to look as normal as I could be.

While I was jogging, I saw a man who looked so suspicious. He asked me if I knew a woman named Natalie. Thankfully, Natalie was so kind she baked me some welcome cookies last night. She has told me a lot about herself wishing if I could be her friend.

"Oh, you mean Nat?" I asked him. She has also told me that she would like it if I called her Nat.

"Yeah." He said.

I gave him her apartment's address.

"Are you her friend?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" he asked completely confused why I asked him.

"Oh, are you Liam?" he shook his head. "Marc?" he did the same with this name. I started saying random male names as I saw the name tag inside his pocket. I couldn't see what it said or something but I could figure out that it looked the same as Lisa's. My boss was right when he said Ryan will spy on me.

He told me that he wasn't that close to her and then he went away. Just after he went, I saw a woman approaching me. She was a brunette who looked like she was in her late 30s or early 40s.

"Hello, do you live near?"

"Yes, I live in that building," I said pointing to my apartment.

"Really? How come I never saw you before?"

"I don't know but I don't socialize much. And I haven't been in my apartment much since I have been looking for work."

"Oh, I hope I will see you soon."

"Me too," I said and she disappeared.

I went back to my apartment and changed into black leggings and a colorful long cardigan. I wore white converse shoes. As I was going to go out, my phone rang showing a name that said, Leah. I don't know who she is and I picked it up.

"Hello," I said hoping she would tell me how she is related to me.

"Hey Abby, I am Leah, your best friend. And please take off the cardigan and the leggings. You are a freaking lawyer in a freaking multimillion-dollar company." She said. I turn 360 degrees three times to check for the cameras. "Yes there is a camera but I am the only one who sees you. No male allowed here so don't worry."

"Ok, so, why change the cloth?"

"Because you are a freak–"

"Yeah, you already said that. So what am I supposed to wear now?"

"Wear the grey skirt you can see when you open your closet with maybe a white or some color shirt."


"Then, go to the shoe section. Can you see the high heel section?"


"Can you see the black a grey high heel?"

"No, I can't walk in that."

"I am not asking you to wear that. It is an order, not a question."


"Wear the damn clothes and get the hell out of there. You are going to be late." After saying that, she ended the call.

I took the clothes she has suggested – ordered me to wear – and wore them. I wore a high heel. It looked almost like the shoe I used to have when I was in high school.

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