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SOLO KASAI ࿐ྂ 🧯🔥🧨❫

WHISPERING WAS a normal thing middle schoolers did. thats how a message got across, it's how they knew when to get there, show up and leave early, it's how they communicated when they weren't supposed to be talking, but its totally different when you're always whispering.

when solo walked into a room it was like they were always whispering, whether it be because of her hair or what she did at a party that weekend they were always talking about something she did. she was practically the man of the hour.

solo knew this would probably never stop, she was tall, brown skinned and more..developed than most so she was already a target for on-lookers. standing at 5'9 ½ she towered over most of her female classmates and over a lot do the dudes considering they haven't gotten their growth spurt yet.

she didn't fit the standard for japan. she knew that though what she didn't like was all the pointing and staring she got from a lot of her peers. pointing and staring was one of those things that she had to tolerate though especially if she wanted to make it in the big leagues.

so here she was, walking through the hallway; letting upper and lower classmen point, stare and whisper at/about her as she walked to her home room class. holding her head high as she went, pretending it didn't bother her when it did.

as she walked she failed to notice the blob of pink that was trying to catch up to her. its black eyes with yellow irises practically beaming with joy when they spotted her. " freind!" she yelled causing the girl to turn around.

she was 5'2 and curly corse hair that could rival solos own. her skin was entirely pink, while her head was a shade or two lighter. "hey friend." solo greeted slowing down her pace so the shorter girl could keep up. they were practically sisters.

going to the same pre-k, elementary and now middle school as well as their house being walking distances they known each other forever. even being together when their quirks manifested. though there was a 3 year gap where they didn't talk because solo moved to america for a bit but they powered through it!

"you wouldn't guess what happened this morning!" the pinkette began to ramble about her. the two waving at classmates as they walked by. "so it all happened when we were in the court yard..."

- - - - -

"girl are you out of it?!" the taller girl nearly yelled as they entered the class, taking the seats far from the window sitting next to each other. "no it totally happened can you believe that?" the class was already filled in and getting ready for whatever their teacher had to throw at them.   ding ding dong ding.....dong dong dong ding! the class bell sounded and soon after the teacher strolled in.

the two girls soon dispersed and began to get their school work. through out the entirety of the class mina looked over and asked solo questions on how to do them and what was the answers to the math problems. other times solo would ask mina what several words meant forgetting them and only remembering the english versions of them. then when history came they were both struggling, not wanting to ask the teacher so they piggy backed off of each other.

"why did japan do so much in history..." mina moaned as she put her head in her desk. "i'm sayin' like... relax." solo said as she copied her best friend. soon the girls were facing each other, giggling. something about the other girl made it to where they couldn't make a straight face.

"now!" the teacher said grabbing the classes attention from talking to their friends. "as you all know, this is your final year here meaning you're off to high school!~" their teacher giggled as their students started talking about their futures snd what they wanted to be.

"i was very close to passing out you're high school application forms but i know all you guys want to be hero's fufufu!" the woman laughed as her students began showing off their quirks.

"me and mina gonna be a hero's 100 percent!" solo said loudly making some of the class laugh. "maybe mina, but you? there are millions of hero's with fire quirks whats make. you think you'll make the cut?" solo kissed her teeth as her before making a face™.

"you, a nobody with a rubber quirk but cant stretch past a inch is telling me i cant become a hero? how ironic." solo said in a sweet yet venomous tone, making the boy blush and sit back down. the people that were laughing were now silent not wanting to be embarassed like their classmate. flipping her hair she looked back at the teacher. " anyway, mina and i are going to be hero's just you wait!"

their teacher simply gave her a closed eye smile. "i cant wait ill tell my future students about you two for sure~." mina returned the same face while solo smirked. 'yeah, remember it cause its a promise.'

- - - -

"why did you say that about that boy!" mina was laughing as they sat down on her bed. "well i mean its the truth, what is he going to save cause it sure ain't the world." solo said giggling with her friend. "no but seriously..." mina said making her voice somewhat even.

"you really going to be better then endeavor?" solos eyes tightened into a glare. she didn't like endeavor. not because she knew him and not because he didn't sign her autograph when she was little. solo doesn't like endeavor because he made her elementary school years terrible.

having a fire quirk meant everyone thought endeavor was her favorite hero. at first she didn't have a problem with it but then some of the other kids started saying she'll never be better then him and she'll just be in his shadow. and boy did solo hate that, she got in so many fights over that she nearly got kicked out.

"i'm going to be way better then that fucker, when people think of flame hero's they'll think of me, not some 7'2 tall man thats notorious for not signing autographs.." solo crossed her arms and pouted. she'll have to be better then him especially after all the fights she'd been in about and decelerations she made on the playground about it.

this is the beginning of her hero legacy! this is the story about the flaming hot hero: STALLI!

-i know that chapter was basically a whole lot of nothing but i'm trying to get you into the feel of things, as well as introduce the characters (solo) & problems
-if you cant tell mina will be a some what important character in this story since their best friends ill try to make her very relevant since shes my fav and dosnt get love
-leave constructive criticism please🙇🏿‍♂️!

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