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SOLO KASAI ࿐ྂ 🧯🔥🧨❫

SOLO WOULD BE lying through her teeth if she said she wasn't nervous about tomorrow. after nearly 3 months of training the date for the entrance exams had finally rolled around and solo was feeling sick. she had never been so nervous in her whole life not even that one time she snuck out the house to got to target with mina.

"sweetheart you nervous." her dads voice rang through her ears snapping her out of her thoughts. the girl sat on couch staring off into space. her parents were staring at her, boths eyes were filled concern. "what if i fail the entrance exam?" the red head asked eyes showing more emotion than everything else.

"well fro one just relax, now when i took my entrance exam i was nervous just like you but the only difference was if was for the support course." her mother explained as she rubbed her solo's back. "the written course is more nerve racking than anything else but i know you got it okay?"

"you promise" "yes i promise the second part of the exam is so fun!" the elder woman had a glint in her eye that mad the younger girl smile. "thanks ma!" solo got up from the couch and ran upstairs. "you think she'll be fine?" a thick accent asked making the mother giggles. "yes i know she'll be fine, shes my daughter after all you know!"

-  -  -  -

"welcome to the entrance exam!" present mic yelled through the speakers of the training grounds. solo and mina were split up unfairly so now solo was texting on her phone waiting for the exam to officially start. "HELLO YOU'RE GORGEOUS!" a loud voice causing solo to nearly drop her phone. "man whats wrong with you!" solo turned around only to have to look up slightly.

there stood a boy with heart eyes and a buzz cut. "HEY I JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU YOU'RE VERY PRETTY!" the boy yelled again causing people to look at them. the girl flushed at the attention before quickly getting her composure back. "hey listen, stop yelling okay its getting embarrassing." "SORRY!" the boy yelled before bowing his head smashing it into the ground. "oh my god are you okay?" the boy then picked his head up quickly before smiling.

blood trickled down his face from his forehead but he acted as if it wasn't. "IM FINE!" the boy yelled causing solo to smack his head. "what did i just say about yelling pretty boy." she sneered to scare him off bit it only made his heart eyes get even bigger. clearing his through the boy relaxed before opening his mouth once again. "sorry we got off on the wrong foot, i'm yoarashi inasa, its nice to meet you." the tall boy held his hand out before smiling cheekily.

"kasai solo, but please call me solo nice to meet you...never do that shit again got me?" the girl said while shaking his hand. "yes i understand!" the boy said before backing up to give the girl space. the pair fell silent as they lined up in the line next to everyone else. "are you nervous?" the boy asked tearing solos attention away from her phone once again. "eh, i was but now that im here and i see most of. the people we're against i just know its gonna be a piece of cake."

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