44. Cold Pancakes - Cora/E

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The next morning I was up early. Evidently getting knocked unconscious counted as sleep to my body.

I was groggy but rolled out of E's bed anyway. I was up now, no point in trying to sleep again.

I looked back at the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen. I'd always heard people talk about how different people looked while they were sleeping versus them being awake, but I didn't see it in Theo. If anything, he just looked calmer, more boring maybe.

I laughed quietly and felt every muscle in my body seize up with soreness. Fighting back a groan, I tossed on Elle's sweats again and stumbled to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then stumbled downstairs.

No one else was up yet, go figure. It was only—I checked my phone—6:43 am.

I didn't know what else to do, so I rummaged through the kitchen. The boys had the stuff, I'm making breakfast.

I took a coffee break after a few minutes, thanks to my bruised body when I noticed something on the floor in front of the door.

Wearily, I made my way to it.

After the quick and painful adventure of picking it up, I realized it was nothing but a single piece of card stock, not much bigger than an index card.

I flipped it over and nearly cried out.

The Brothers have been put down. We owed Damon, now we owe you. Consider yourselves safe.

Mr. Roi, Rue de la Mort

We were safe. I didn't care about the rest of it, Rue de la Mort was going to protect us.

I felt significantly better after that and about half an hour later, I had made enough noise for E to have made an appearance. I tossed a cup of coffee in front of him as he slouched into a chair.

"Morning," I said.

He grunted a return greeting. He never had been much of a morning person. After about five minutes, though, his eyes found me and I avoided his gaze as I felt it, steady and strong on me as I busied myself with finishing my pancakes.

He was still distant from me, despite sleeping right next to me all night. I knew he was still thinking of Daniel bleeding out in my arms and I couldn't blame him. It didn't even feel all that real. My brother was dead. Again. It was just nonsensical.

"Here," I said and handed him the note. "This was slid under the front door last night."

I watched as he read it over and over again.

Eventually, he ran a hand through his hair. "You want to know something?"


I woke up and rolled over to hug Pip but was met with empty blankets.

I sat straight up, wondered if I had dreamed it all. The kidnapping, the fight, saving Pip, Daniel's death. I was about ready to surrender to the fact that I had dreamed it all when I caught her scent and then the sound of pans clattering in the kitchen.

Jay, Elle (who had stayed over some nights, I didn't ask) and I didn't know how to cook, so who else could it be, but my little Pip?

I checked the time on my phone. 7:14. Yippee.

I wandered downstairs to sure enough see Pip working with pans and some kind of batter on the stove. She turned, saw me, and immediately set a cup of coffee down in front of me as I sat in one of the stools.

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