Im running out of title names

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Stan's POV

I hear 'Can you feel the love tonight' start playing and sigh. We still have another 15 minutes in here. Bill hasn't looked even glanced in my direction since i left, and im in pain. This is great, all fine and good.

Bill stands up, and walks to me. I blush as he goes between my legs and looks up at me, "S-Stan?" "Yeah..?" I ask quietly. He gets slowly closer to me, closing his eyes. He stops about 3 centimeters from my face and opens his emerald green eyes, looking directly at me. I close the gap between us and my eyes flutter shut.

Bill puts a hand on my hip, leaving one on the counter. He starts to bite at my lip. I pull back the tiniest bit and reconnect, letting his tongue roam free. I shudder as he pulls me closer to him. I run one hand through his reddish-brown hair as the other hand goes to his shoulder. He disconnects the kiss and goes to my neck, biting almost everywhere. I start to whine a bit, "B-Bill..."

He stops biting, "Yeah?" "What if the others hear. The movie should be over by now." Bill pulls back to where he was before we kissed, "T-that's smart thinking S-Staniel" I nod and Bill sits back on the toilet seat. Just a few moments later, Richie walks in.

"What's up fuckers?" He asks. Bill sighs, "Damn you Rich. You're loud." He smiles, "Yep! Now come on, Eddie's forcing us to sleep since it's 11." I nod and hop off the counter. Bill and i walk out into the living room. Eddie was gone, probably upstairs already, and Mike was getting his sleeping bag. Bill and I grab ours and walk upstairs behind Mike and Richie. I set up away from the window, because i hate the cold. Bill was a few feet away from me, Mike was in the middle of the room, so about 4 feet from us, and Rich was with Eddie in the bed.

*time skip 3AM [also Stan managed to forget about his lil issue and it went away]

I slowly start to wake up as I glance around. My eyes land on Bill. He's sitting straight up, and looking around. His eyes land on me, "O-oh shit. Sorry S-Stan. Didn't mean to w-wake you.." I shrug, "I don't think you did. I think I just randomly woke up."

Bill nods, "Alright then." Then I notice how pale he is, and see the tear streaks down his face. I sit up, "Bill, come here please?" He turns around, "S-Stan im okay.." I move towards him and put a hand on his cheek, "Bill?"

He sighs, "S-Stan..." He starts to cry quietly. I pull him towards me, wrapping my arms around his waist. Mike stirs a bit and Bill buries his head in my shoulder, trying not to be so loud.

Bill eventually removed his head and looked up at me, "Im s-sorry i woke you u-up Stan..." I smile, "You didn't. I just kinda woke up on my own. I guess i just managed to catch you up as well." He grinned and laid his head on my chest.

I sigh jokingly, "Come on Bill, at least take me out before you get all cuddly." He laughs a little. I yawn, "You gonna be alright, or no?" Bill smiled and looked up, "I-Ill be fine. Go b-back to sleep." I shrug, "Alright." I lay my head on Bill and stay there.

He moves us towards my sleeping bag (which is bigger than his) and unzips it. I felt myself get lowered into it and detached from Bill. I open my eyes, "Bill..?" He turns, "Yeah?" I put an arm out, "Stay with me..." He smiles, "A-alright Stan." I scoot as far as I can manage and let Bill in. He zips the zipper behind him and lays a hand on my hip. I put a hand on his chest, and the other around him.

*time skip

"Guys shut up!" Bill hissed as I opened my eyes. I moved my hand from his chest to shield my eyes from the light. Once my eyes adjusted, I looked up. Richie and Eddie stood above us. I look around for a minute before muttering, "Where's Mike?"

Bill looks over, "He l-left at 9 or so to help his g-grandfather out. Its a-about 11 now by the w-way." Oh. That's why Richie's awake. Eddie smiled, "Yeah. But we had enough entertainment from teasing Bill here." Bill blushed, "Don't." I smile, "Yeah Eddie. Don't be a hypocrite. I see you glancing at Richie's chest every now and then." He flushed and turned away, "I'm not doing anything!"

They start to bicker as Bill unzips the sleeping bag and gets up. He offers me his hand. I take it and he pulls me up. Richie runs out of the room, Eddie almost right behind him. Bill looks at me, "They're on d-drugs." I nod, "Yup."

Eventually, Bill and i got dressed, and went to let them know we were leaving. Eddie nodded as we walked out the door. Bill yawned as he threw his stuff in the back of his car. I followed his actions and we got in, driving back to Bill's.

As he's driving, i start to let my mind wander. It wanders back to yesterday in the bathroom, and i blush, covering my mouth with my hand. Bill looks over, parking by the house, "Y-you okay? I went to p-pull in and you d-died on me." I nodded quickly, "Yeah.." He sighed,

"Its about what happened in the bathroom, isn't it?"

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