🌸Bloodied Sakura Blossoms ~ ShigaHaul🌸

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⚠️Angst - Hanahaki Disease⚠️
(Written in Shigs' point of view)

It was almost time.
Time for me to leave.
Time for me to say goodbye, because I was too stubborn to say much else.
I was adamant on keeping my mouth shut on my true feelings for him for fear of rejection.
His name was Kai Chisaki, and I thought he was gorgeous, too gorgeous for me. He was perfect, I was not.
I was decaying, and hideous. I'm not sure why, but he always made a point to talk to me. No matter what.
At some point, I fell for him. I could see it in his eyes, he knew. But he never showed that he reciprocated any form of those feelings back. He was my dream; only to look at, never to touch.
The Sakura tree always reminded me of him. That's probably how I knew who was the culprit of my predicament, with me incessantly coughing up blood and petals for about five minutes straight.
I suppose better late then never, then.
I will tell him everything.
What I think of him, how I feel about him, everything. If he just so happens to not reciprocate the feelings, then I won't have to worry, I'll die anyways.
~Time Skip of about 10 minutes~
Well, here goes nothing:
"Do you wanna know what I think of you?"
He turns to me, amusement clear on his face.
"Sure, why not? Tell me what your true opinion is of me."
I gulped. Here's to dying.
"I think you're absolutely gorgeous, the most p-perfect person I have ever seen."
His eyes widened, and I breathed.
"I love you, to the point it hurts. I would gladly die for you, even if you asked me to."
He seemed bewildered. Peculiar, he should have seen this coming.
"I-I don't know..what to say..I-y-you love me? I never knew.."
Bullshit. He knew all along. Eh, let's play along with his facade.
"Y-Yeah... I thought I should tell you before I died."
"Before. . . what?"
I cough up a blossom. How lovely.
"Sh-Shigs? Are...are you okay? Do I need to call-"
"Heh, no, I'll be fine. Now that I've told you the truth, I can rest easy. Be sure to remember me.."
I slip and fall off the chair, and Kai freaks out.

Remember me by my bloodied sakura blossoms.

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