🐾Fur and Feathers ~ Erasermic🐾

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It was a normal day for the two; going about their lives as they normally would. But today? Today was special.
Today was Valentine's Day.
Yamada was excited and happy by the thought, as he was overjoyed by the idea of showing just how much he loves each and every person around him.
On the other hand, Aizawa couldn't care less. Valentine's Day was a mere hassle and it was just simply pointless.

And Yamada was just about to change it all. He was dead set on making sure that Mr.Shota Aizawa was as happy as he could ever be, just for a mere day.
You see, the blond had fallen for the lazy, unkempt man. The way his hair framed his face, how his stubble complimented it further, along with those dead-looking eyes to just match everything just about made him perfect, in that loud man's eyes. He could have just simply melted into a puddle every time the shorter man spoke, all gruff and tired. It was something about his voice that just made it so alluring.

For Valentine's Day, Hizashi had decided to get Shota a cat. Small, fluffy, and to top it all off, he had put a little hat with a feather on it. He thought it looked cute, but Aizawa told him not to torture the poor animal like that.
However, from the smile the tired man proved that the small animal was a good gift to give.

~Timeskip cause author~san is lazy~

Hizashi was sitting on the couch, flipping through channels, when the doorbell rung. He opened it, and immediately ducked down. What followed was a squawking noise from across the room, and an animalistic screech of his name being called. He turned, and saw a cockatoo, proudly perched upon the couch.
It squawked again, "Zashi-!"
He stared at the bird in disbelief, until a low, husky voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"What do you think of him, Zashi?"
He turned and saw Shota in the door, leaning against the frame, a slight smile lacing his lips.
Was all the blonde could get out. He was stunned, had Aizawa returned the favor?
Seems so.
"What are you going to name him?"
The shorter male asked, curiosity almost apparent in his eyes. "Hm..I'm not sure." Was the response, the taller one's eyes glimmering in the light from the nearby lamp.
"Well then, I'll name it. I think I'll name it Mic." Hizashi's eyes widened, a small smile picking up the corners of his mouth. Shota let himself in, closing the door behind him, and took Hizashi with him. He had brought the cat that the loud male had bought him, and the cat started playing with the cockatoo.
The two animals got along pretty well, while the males were snuggled up on the sofa.
Shota looked up and hummed, getting the other male's attention. Once he looked down, the smaller male pecked him on the lips, smiling.
"I love you, Zashi."

"I love you too, Sho."

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