💠Fading Magic ~ Drarry💠

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☆ Beforehand Author's Note☆
This is some angst shit requested by a good friend from Discord 😗✌
You can thank him for this, and be sure to write any requests you have in the comments - go apeshit, as always.

Anywho, enjoy your new angst.


Draco's POV:
God. Damn it.
They're always on my mind, always nagging me to do better, always reminding me on how terrible I truly am.
My father hates me for something I have no control over. You'd understand, right, reader?
Possibly, possibly not.
He hates me for being gay, and gay for that nuisance of a being, Potter.
On top of that, I can't even begin to preform as well as he could. He has defeated many an opponent, while I'm here on the sidelines watching as I put on a show like the clown I am.
I am just a mere disappointment, a useless little being lost in the cosmos of what is known as existence.
Oh well.
This bathroom floor shall be my new favorite place. It's not like anyone comes around over here anyways.
Now I shall cry; cry until I cannot bring myself to usher out tears from my eyes.

Harry's POV:
Oh no. No, no, no.
I have lost Draco.
Where is he?! Where-
Is that crying?
Why yes, I hear crying. Coming from the bathroom, no less.
-He runs to the bathroom-
I call out. Surely, he must be in here alone, if he isn't elsewhere.
I hear a startled noise coming from the other end of the room.
"Draco? Have you locked yourself in here, sitting on the loo*?"
I hear a sniffle and a soft "Mhm."
I sigh, walking over to where he might be.
"Come on out, it's all okay."
He unlocks the door, slowly and sheepishly coming out. I immediately pull him into a tight hug, head nested into the crook of his neck.
I pull away after a few seconds, looking into his puffy eyes.
"Are you alright?"
"Y-Yeah..a little better now."
He smiled at the end of his sentence.
He must have liked that hug.
Let's do it again!
I pull him into another hug, this one lasting a bit longer.
"Are you sure? You seem like you cried awfully hard earlier."
"I'm sure, Potter. Now let go please."
I slowly let go, then take his hand to bring him out of the bathroom.

Draco's POV:
Why did he hug me? Was he pitying me?
He must have been.
Oh well. Out the bathroom I go.
He says that he'll be in the library if he needs me. I suppose I won't, but I say okay anyways.
It needs to be done now.
I whip out my wand, and teleport myself to the roof.
Yes, it's slanted, but at least it's high enough.
Slowly, I slide down the roof, until my feet touch the rain gutter.
I stand atop the gutter and look down.
Yes, this is quite the perfect height.

Now let's leave.
- He jumps off the gutter (damn that bitch strong 😳 -- the gutter, I mean) -

I'm finally free from the ridicule, the pity, and all that has done me wrong throughout my life.
- c r a c k -


Harry's POV:
I saw him.
I saw him hit the ground.
I saw the blood and guts.

I saw the person I loved the most...

Right. In front of me.
Hermione gasped, as I broke down in tears.

Why did this happen? Why didn't I stop it?

- 3 months later -
I haven't been doing well since...
the incident.
My friends have tried their absolute hardest to console me and help me move on.
I appreciate their attempts, despite them being futile.
Now I can't take it anymore.
I miss him more and more as the hours wear on. Seconds of him being dead taunting my mental and emotional state.
I have extremely dark eyebags and cuts blanketing almost my entire body.
Torso, legs, arms. Nothing is free space.
- Time Skip of about 7 minutes -
Let's join him.

Nobody's POV:
Harry teleports to the exact same place Draco did, and heads over to the same spot on the gutter.
He jumps, and there's a following crack and high-pitched scream.
Now, they're both dead.
But both happy, living together in the afterlife, free of what has been.

* Bollocks is a swear word 😂
* Loo is a term for toilet
Anyways. I hope y'all crackheads enjoyed angst pt.2.
This was actually somewhat fun to write, even though it wasn't as angsty as I wanted, because I'm currently not "moody". This was p. gud tho, ngl.
Vote for the angsty shit if you want more angst, and vote for the fluff shit if you want more fluff.
And just comment whether or not you want smut lmao.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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