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Beca's POV

After I parked my truck at the senior's parking lot, both Emily and I walked into the building. As I was walking to my homeroom, I bumped into a girl. "Excuse you", I looked up to her.  Curly red hair sprinkled her arms, eyes as blue as the ocean, white and black stripes shirt neatly tucked in her black skirt and a smile I'll never get off my head. "Oh my God, I am so so so sorry!", she said. I chuckled and told her it was no problem and just like that, she's out of my sight. Emily called me and I ran to her, "Did you see her?!!", I asked with excitement before I dramatically hit my chest, "She's so hot, my heart hurts". Gee keep it in your pants, Becs.

After 5 minutes in the homeroom, I was sitting at the back on the table with my gang, Emily, Stacie, and Benji. From the corner of my eye, I can sense Jesse's eyes on me. Our break up was mutual when I told him that I realized I don't like guys, but, he still calls me from time to time to see if it was just a phase. Suddenly, I felt Emily hitting me on the knee, I looked up to ask her what she was so excited about but that's when I saw who was standing in front of us. It was her. The girl I bumped into! Oh wow, she's even more pretty now that I actually pay attention to her. "Guys, as you all know, your former homeroom and chemistry teacher left this school, therefore, I would like to introduce your new teacher, Miss Beale. I'll leave you guys to get to know each other.", Mr. Adam said and left the room. We made eye contact and I broke it off by looking at her up and down, taking it all in and looked back up to her, I could see her cheeks turning red. Maybe senior year won't be so bad? 

"Hey guys!! I'm uh- My name is Chloe Beale. Since we still have some time, can we get to know each other by saying our names and a random fact? Hmmm, a random fact about me is that I HATE pickles, now someone else go", she smiled.

Chloe's POV

I can feel her eyes on me and the thought of that made me blush. I'd do anything to kiss her and throw that stupid smirk off her face. Chloe, she's your student!! I can't help it. The original plan was to let the students to whatever they want but knowing that she's in my class, I have to know who she is. After what felt like a thousand days, it finally got to her so she stood up and looked at me with that smirk she likes to put on so much. "I'm Beca and I love pickles", she said and winked at me. Why am I enjoying this?!!! UGH! 

"Okay, class dismissed.", I said with a smile. Everyone left and I was arranging my books when I hear footsteps behind me. My eyes met hers when I turned around. Her eyes are pretty. "Hey, Beca right? Is everything alright?", I asked, of course, I remember her name! "Um, yes, yes everything's fine, just  wanted to say hi and- oh! sorry for bumping into you this morning", she chuckled out. "Noooo, it's fine.", I replied. She waved goodbye and went out the door.


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