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A/N : Hey guys, sorry for the late update, been a lil busy but enjoy this chapter!!

Beca's POV

I can't take her off my mind. I received a text from my fling, Kara, we don't really talk but we just hook up. Once, we were fooling around in the locker room, I probably went too hard, my fingers were hurting all week. Worth it tho.

"Hey, you near?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way, see ya.", I replied as I put my normal go-to outfit on. Jeans, flannels, vans shoes and if I'm in the mood, a beanie. Kara is way different than that quirky redhead. She's needy, for sex of course. So very sexually active. She likes to play coy, but one look and a conversation, she slipped right into my hand. We decided that we won't really work in a relationship so we agreed on having just- casual hookups and booty calls. I ran down and went straight to my truck and drove away, Oh titanium!, I hummed along to the song on the radio as I drummed on the wheel with my fingers.

"Yes, yes, I'm here, where's Kara?", I said to the cheerleading group, it surprises me how most of them are bi or full-on gay. Drinks. Parties are my life, all of my problems just sort of disappear. But she's still in your head, idiot. Kara snapped me out of my thoughts as she calls me from across the room. "Hey you", she stepped closer to me. I chuckled as she grabbed my hand and bring me upstairs to her room. She wore tight pants for a reason. I smirked as she purposely walked in front of me on the stairs so I could get a good look on her ass. Just as she opened the door, I heard someone. "What the hell is going on here!", yeap, her parents. We both ran down and everyone was chased out. So, I'm not getting laid tonight, bummer.

I looked at my watch and it was only 10.40 pm, to the bar I go. Well, someone caught my eye. As I sat down on one of the stools, the bartender came to me. "New here?", I looked at her. She turned her face to me and nodded. "Can I get you something or are you just gonna stare at my ass all night?", she smirked. I might be getting laid, she's kinda hot. "Suprise me", I told her and watched as she mixed a couple of drinks together. "Here', she gave me the drink and winked before she went to the other side to serve other customers. When I turned around to look who's the DJ, my eyes caught something else.. 

Chloe's POV

"I actually needed this, thanks, Bree", I smiled at my best friend as we walked in the bar. I couldn't get Beca out of my mind at all and I know if I tell Aubrey, she would freak out so badly. "Hey, get me a martini, I left my phone in the car",  Aubrey said to me as she ran back out. As I approached the bartender to order our drinks, I saw her. Ohhhh my god, is that, Beca?? I knew it was her when she started looking the other way, avoiding eye contact with me. "Becs, I know it's you", I sing out as I let out a light chuckle. Woah.. She looks so hot right now. Chloe stop! She turned her head to me and said hi. I sat next to her and took a second to admire her beauty. "Miss B-", I cut her off before she could even finish. "Just call me Chloe". Her face lit up a little and her eyes started to sparkle. "What happened to your girlfriend's party?", I asked looking down. "Oh she's not my girlfriend, just a little friends with benefits situation. And her parents came home so here I am, on a Thursday night.", we both laughed together. "There you are, have you ordered our drinks?", Aubrey came to me. "Oh yea, uhm- two martinis please", I smiled at the bartender. "Put these ladies's drinks on my tab", I heard Beca said.

"Beca, you don't ha-"

"Shhhh, I want to", she said with a grin on her face. "And, get yourself a drink on me too", she winked at the bartender. It boils me up a little but I can't really do anything about it. I hope this night goes well. I like being around Beca.

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