Chapter 3:headaches & heartbreak

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Alessia's POV

it was cold.

the wind hitting me.

even though I have a 2 layers on.

i don't think its the wind anymore.

its the tension that you could cut with a blade made me me goosebumps while they're there.

we were on a boat.

one was looking out at the ocean.

two and five staring at three while he zips up the bag that withholds the body of my best friend.six.

four was sitting beside me.Sitting on his lap whilst his arms around my waist,making me feel a little warmer but its still cold.i still had goosebumps.
there were no tears.nor whimpers.just silence.
Nobody's POV
four notices her shivering,he takes off his jacket and wraps it around her.She faces him,and lays her head on his chest.he notices her soft breathing while he caresses her back slowly.he sighs as he looks at six's hasn't been days but his skin already looking like its decaying.he looks back at the girl he sighs again.he knew how close they were,they were like siblings always in good terms and they were inseparable.he felt pity for the girl but he knows she doesn't want anyone's pity or attention.

three goes to the table where the alcohol and food were.
"here's a toast to a kid i liked."three says while raising his glass
"are you crying?"two asks with the same face she always has.
"we didn't even know his name"three changes the topic
"we don't know any names."two points out
"what was his name?"three asks then everyone even zero rises her head and stares at one awaiting for a reply.
"it doesn't matter."he paused."he was a good man."he adds.
he sits beside the body then groans."i thought i managed the sorry."he states while rubbing his face.
"did he have a family?"five finally spoke after a while of silence.
"yeah"a voice said while it cracked."i think your looking at it"Z croaks,her voice still raspy.
"all of us"two adds.
Z looks up to four and they give each other small weak smiles.four kissed her forehead signaling he's proud of her for speaking up.all of them smiling at each other except for one.he looks at each of them in disbelief
"we're not a family."he stands up. "not the cleavers."
he adds.
"what?" three questions
"the who?"zero adds
"cleavers.ward?june?"he says un disbelief
"leave it to beaver"one answers
"leave it to beaver?"two questions
"jerry matthews?"
"who-"zero starts but gets cut off
"tony dow?"one forces
"no"two and five replies non-chalantly
"barbara billingsley?hugh beaumont?"he continues
"never heard of it"two shrugs
"no?nobody watches nick at nite?"
"italians don't watch shit like that."
"the french don't either"
"millennials,european people.lets just grab the head"he sighs
while four hasn't said one word,him and everyone else besides me and two just sit there while they approach six's body that's inside a plastic bag and throw it in the ocean.
"what does this mean?"four speaks up
"it means we find a seven"one replies grunting
everyone stares at him
zero stands up and goes inside.

we just got back to the hotel.I was in my room on my bed while staring at the ceiling.One and the others were researching about finding a guy who was gonna be seven.
I hear my door open,then I heard a very familiar british voice.
"hey"i look to the door and see four standing there with two cups in his hands.
"i made you coffee and I didn't forget the whipped cream and cocoa powder on top."he grins
i smile as i sit up,he approaches the bed and sits down.He hands me one of the cups.
"grazie"i say with my thick accent.
"its no problem"he says in his.
i chuckled.his accent sounds amazing.
"what are you laughing about"he says smiling.
"nothing"i said having a wide smile.somehow he always makes me smile.I don't know how he does it.
"you know....while one and the others are doing research about seven.You think we can maybe go around the city and maybe I can show you around-"
i raise an eyebrow at him.
"i'm not saying you don't know where everything is already si-since you know....y-you were born here but"he stutters then sighs
"what i'm trying to say is-"
i put a finger on his mouth and asked"are you asking me out?"i say with a smirk
he gulps and confesses "y-yeah"
"i know one said no feelings involved and you said it too but-"i cut him off with a short kiss.
"who cares what one said"well me but sometimes rules are made to be broken.right?
" is that a-?"
"yes four.its a yes"i laughed
"okay get ready in an hour and meet me at the rooftop.wear something you can run in"with that he leaves.i stand and go over the door looking through the peep hole.
four standing there jumping around in relief.i laughed quietly and went to lucifer.lucifer is my pet snake.he's a white king snake with black spots.
i begged and when i mean beg i forced one to let me keep him.i don't think he likes snakes considering when he sees lucifer on my neck he stutters.
Anyways i start to get ready and i wore leather pants and a turtleneck long sleeve,with a black tank top under just in case.
i hear a knock on the door while i was getting my hair unbraided.......
i approach the door and open it.......

ok i finally uploaded.i know this is kinda short but i've been busy with school and all that stuff.

please vote if you like this book:)
and i really appreciate all of the people who make time reading my book.thank you guys so much.

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