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Jack and Alex are talking about something in the kitchen. Only feet away from me. I could listen if I chose but I decide not to. I'm sure it has something to do with drugs. Ashton walks out of the bathroom just as Alex and Jack walk into the living room. 

"I have to grab my gun, I'll meet you in the car," Jack says before disappearing into his room. I look at Alex with a questioning look. He gives me a soft smile and walks up to me. I know something is about to happen, something I am probably going to be involved in. 

"Stella, Stella, baby, we're going to get some stuff from a new dealer, I need you to come with us incase something happens," He grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. He gives me a look that I just can't say no to. I nod and he smiles. "You too, jackass," he points to Ashton. He sighs and jumps to his feet. 

"Shit better not go down," he says, Jack comes out of his room and walks over to us. 

"It won't," Alex says. "Whoa, how much you been drinking?" Alex asks trying to fan the air around him away with his hand.

"Non of your business," Ashton says. 

"Are we going or what?" Jack can not sit still, as always. He scratches his arm and tilts his neck to the side. 

"We're going, buddy, we're going," Alex hands me a bottle of unmarked pills. "before we go."

"I'm getting in the car," Jack storms out of the house. Alex joins him. I look at the bottle and open it. Though I'm already high off my ass and I've had a few drinks, i take three, or maybe four. I take a deep breath and close the bottle. I hand them to Ashton and he throws them on the ground. 

"I don't bother with that shit," I stumble backwards but he catches me, "Shit, Stella, how many did you take?" I shrug, I don't remember. My head spins and my throat feels like it's closing. I point to the door and I walk towards it. "Stella, you have to go to the hospital."

"No I don't, lets go before Alex starts yelling," I stumble to the car, Ashton follows. Ashton and I both get in the back. Alex is driving and Jack is fidgeting in the front seat. 

"Jack, calm down, man," Alex tries to calm Jack down but it doesn't work. Jack needs something and he won't stop until his nose is bleeding. He has Over dosed twice but it doesn't stop him.

Alex pulls into a driveway and parks the car. I'm seeing double. He turns around and looks at me.

"Stay here, we'll be right back, you know the plan if something goes wrong," I look at him blankly and I try to speak but nothing comes out. He looks at Jack and they get out of the car. 

"Are you okay?" Ashton asks. My eyelids are heavy and my head feels like it's detached from my body. I'm cold. So cold. My head spins. "Stella, you need to go to the hospital."

"No," I manage to get out. My throat is still closing. My breathing is labored. I hear sirens. But I don't think the sirens are real. 

"Shit," Ashton spins around in his seat. I look behind me to see four cop cars speeding into the driveway. "Fuck, fuck, shit, fuck," Ashton panics. I look back at the house. Jack and Alex are running out of the house, guns blazing. Alex is tackled and I try to gain energy but I'm only losing it. I reach for the door handle but Ashton grabs me. I try to fight him but I can't move. Jack's gun is pointed at three police officers. He will shoot. I know he will. Don't stand between him and his drugs. I slide down into Ashtons lap and close my eyes. "Stella, stay with me, stay with me, Stella." I mumble something under my breath. I hear the car door open and someone yelling. I feel like throwing up. I open my eyes for a second then close them again. I'm scared. I'm tired. People are still yelling. Ashton is yelling. I fight to keep my eyes open. I hear a gun shot. Then darkness. 

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