Chapter 2: All New Family Is Welcome

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Maleficent POV 

I began to panic as Aurora went limp in my arms. I picked her up as best I could and had Diaval transform into a majestic black stallion. I mounted him and put Aurora on my lap so her legs hung off the side of Diaval. I forced Diaval to go as fast as he could back to the human castle. As we rode on I heard Phillip in the distance yell "Wait for… nevermind I'll catch up come on Diablo, Samson let's go." after us. I didn't care, Aurora's life could be in danger if we didn't get her to the castle. A few hours after Aurora was settled in her bed Phillip came in with a worried expression on his face. "Is she still unconscious?" Asked Phillip sitting on the other side of Aurora holding her cold hand. I nodded and moved closer to Aurora. Her hands were soft and cold. They weren't the same hands of the four year old that reached up to me and grabbed at my horns and collar. They weren't the same hands of the girl I had grown to love so much. They were the hands of the girl who was never afraid of anything. She never was afraid of her father's wrath. But, she was afraid to lose me. I felt touched yet concerned about it. I sighed, forgetting that Phillip was in the room with me. "She'll be alright m'lady, I promise." Said Phillip. I glared at him. "Men promises mean nothing. They say things they don't mean. Their actions speak louder than their words." I said in a harsh tone. He visibly grimaced. "Why do you hate humans so much? Especially men?" He asked me as politely as he could. I narrow my eyes. "That is my business, not yours. Do yourself a favor and stay out of it!" I responded looking back at Aurora. "Actually if I may be so bold as to say, we're family now, so in a sense, it is my business as your son-in-law." He responded. I growled in frustration. He was right, he was involved now. "I've been an orphan since I was 3 months old…" "but that doesn't explain why you hate humans." Phillip rudely interrupted me. "I wasn't finished yet!" "Oh…" Phillip held his head low in shame. "As I was saying, I've been an orphan since I was 3 months old. The reason, my parents died in a battle against humans." I said looking at Aurora only. "That doesn't mean all humans are bad." He responded. "I have another reason, one I'd rather not share." I said as I held Aurora's hand a little tighter. I could feel Phillip's curious and expecting gaze on me. "I met Aurora's father when both he and I were but children. He was stealing a jewel from the pool of jewels. As Protector of the Moors it was my duty to make him return it. As I walked him back to the border I suppose you could say we began to form a bond. As we shook hands in goodbye his iron ring stung me. When I told him how iron burns fairies he took off his ring and threw it far into a human field. He never wore iron again. We became close friends as he kept returning again and again to see me. What at first was a close friendship blossomed into what I had thought was love. On the sunset of my 16th birthday he gave me a gift… he called it true love's kiss. It was a lie, barely 6 years later he betrayed me and cut my wings off to be king. Barely a year later I cursed Aurora and you know the rest." I explained avoiding Phillip's gaze. "I'm sorry, I never knew you had such a hard life. Aurora and I will do our hardest to change your mind about humans." Phillip said. "You have already started." I replied. "Your love for Aurora and your dedication to her happiness has begun to change the way I'm viewing humans." I said. "I hope we can begin to be a real family." "In my mind we already are Phillip."

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