Young & dumb

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What uppppp!?!?! My name is Ja'shari, umm where should I start? Shiiiidddd imma tell y'all bout how I got my first baby mama pregnant while being 17 years old & got locked up in the same night. It all started when meh & my boys went to this club called The Wild Fling. Shit was hella crazy & got outta hands fast. I met this girl her name was Ty'unna. Man oh man was she bad! The only problem there was, was that she was 24 years old. She gone try to play like she didn't want to talk to meh because I was still considered a "kid". I told her I was finna turn 18 at midnight that's how I got in the club but she just laughed in my face & walked off with my homie Ty' Sean who was 20 years old. I was sooo pissed man but I wasn't finna let that ruin my night. So next thing I know my boy Bonté comes up to meh bouncing round like he was crazy talking bout popping pills & shit. I'm looking at him like man what the fuck I had been drinking too. He's like everybody is doing it these days son don't be a party pooper!! I'm like man fuck it I'm finna turn the fuck uppppp!!! I pop bout 3 of them hoes!! Meh, Bonté, & Scotty straight wild'n on the dance floor with girls everywhere around us. My boy Reese steady tryna leave cuz he done got him a chick that wanna fuck on him. There was nooo wayyy I was leaving the club without a few digits in my pocket or at least getting my dick sucked. Scotty insisted that I try to holler at ole girl again so ofccc I did. I walked up to her sitting alone in a booth. It was my chance.

"Hey ma," I said smiling showing all my pearly whites. At first she just looked at meh & laughed.
So I sat down beside her & leaned in ready to talk to her in my Mack daddy voice when all of a sudden she started kissing meh out the blue. U know I went along with it hell I wasn't finna question shit that was going on. We was deep into that shit, I mean she started unbuckling my belt & everything. Then dude from the bar comes up & tell us we needed to go into one of the private V.I.P rooms. I laughed & we walked to the first V.I.P room I saw available. A nigga wasted no time when we got into the room. I took my shirt off & it was on. Shawty pushed meh on the bed & climbed into top of meh! We started kissing & unlatched her bra with one hand. I had forgot to bring some condoms so I was like fuck it my pull out game strong. Little did I know she was tryna trap a nigga. I slid my big dick inside her tight pretty pussy. "Mmmm deeper Allen deeper," Ty'unna said, as she pulled meh closer to her. Y'all already know Ian tell her my real name cuz ion do that cuffing shit I'm too young for love. I'm damn near bout 4 strokes in & I hear BOOM BOOM BOOM!! Ty' unna open the fucking door!! Before I could pull out I had done already fucking came deep inside her tight pretty pussy. I just rolled over I wasn't stun the nigga at the door cuz don't no nigga put fear in my heart. Man I know she was disappointed hell I was too I had done finished early asfff. A nigga was embarrassed asfff but I still asked for her digits in case I wanted to fuck again. She gave meh her number & jumped up as if she was scared for her life. I'm just laying there confused asfff so I ask, "What's wrong?" U scared of that nigga?? "That's not just any nigga, Allen, that's my pimp," she say in a shaky like voice. I decide to gone head out. As I'm getting dressed this stupid bitch done opened the door & I look up to a gun pointed at my fucking head. I'm like woah nigga chill I reach out for the gun & he cocks it back & swears he finna bust a cap in my ass talm bout I can't fuck for free. I'm off them beans so I feel like I'm super man I charge at his ass tryna get the gun away from his ass. Ole girl runs out the room & comes back with my boys. Meh & dude steady rolling round on the floor then BANG!! The gun goes off & everybody takes off running except Reese & ole dude who had the gun in the first place. Meh & my boys end up getting split up after that. However, when I woke up the next day I was in a jail cell along with Bonté, Ty'Sean, Scotty & a few other people from the club.

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