Blood is thinner

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I stormed out the house with Braxton on my back. I was headed to the basketball court to confront my brother. I wanted to knock his ass clean out but when I put Braxton down & looked into his eyes I just knew I had to be there for him. I couldn't go back to prison or jail. As bad as I wanted to fight my brother I just couldn't especially not in front of my only son.

Instead I walked up to Derrick & thanked him for letting my stay at his place & told him to keep Caleb away from meh. It was hard for meh not to hit him right then & there but I had to restrain myself for Braxton. Ian know the kid but I loved him. He was mines.

Braxton looked at meh & smiled then started laughing. He was so handsome he looked just like meh. I wondered how he reacted to his sister leaving him an such a young age. Did he ever ask about her or did he understand?? Was he smart? Was he fast?

I wanted to know everything. I felt terrible after I realized what I had done. I had knocked Ty'unna out & left her at the crib. "Where's Ty'unna," Caleb said walking up to meh. I just looked at him trying hard not to hit him.

I picked up Braxton & started walking back towards the house. "Aye Ja'shari! I'm talking to u man where's Ty'unna," he said grabbing my shoulder. I put Braxton down & swung into him. My fist connected with his face. He grabbed his jaw then tackled meh. We rolled around throwing fist for a while before the police pulled up.

I jumped up grabbed Braxton & took off running. Caleb just stood there like a dummy. I could hear Derrick as he took off running telling Caleb to run. Caleb just stood there like he wanted to be arrested. I ran into the house & locked the door. Ty'unna was just now waking up. She sat up & looked at meh with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry Ty'unna! It won't happen again forgive meh," I said looking at her.

She didn't say anything she just got up & grabbed Braxton & walked out. I just stood there wondering where we were gonna go from here.

Later that night Derrick, Scotty & Scotty's son Messiah came over. "Yooo Ja'shari I heard your a father too huh. Got a bihh pregnant the same night huh," he joked. "This is Messiah. My mini meh," he said.

"What's up lil man," I said holding my hand out. This lil nigga walked up to meh & said, " what's up G?!" I wasn't too surprised tho cuz Scotty was a bad influence, he was just a lil bitch sometimes. I laughed & dapped him up.

My phone rung, it was an unknown caller. I answered it hoping it was my daughter calling from heaven. Instead it was my brother Caleb saying he had got locked up & that the police was looking for meh & Derrick.

"Preciate it fam," I said before hanging up in his face. I warned Derrick to stay low for a while, they wanted him for drug charges. I told Derrick it was up to him if he wanted to figure out a way to get Caleb out of jail but I wasn't stun his ass.

Scotty asked meh if I wanted to smoke as he was rolling up the fifth blunt. U know I was down for it, I love smoking. I can smoke a zip by myself. I grabbed a blunt off the dresser & fires that bihh up. Scotty didn't mind smoking in front of Messiah but I had a son of my own & I wasn't playing that shit.

"Aye we gotta open some windows & go in the bedroom so Messiah won't catch contact," I said letting up the windows. "Ahhh man it's ok. Messiah a G man," he said slapping his head.

"Look man I don't care whatchu say Ian smoking in front of lil man," I said walking into the bedroom. I don't know how but Caleb called meh again. This time he asked if we were coming to get him out. "U can rot in there for all I care man," I said. "Fuck wrong wit u kid?! What happened?! What I do to u," he asked meh.

I wanted to tell him sooo bad but Ty'unna wasn't ready for allat so I just kept quiet bout it. Ian know how long that would last but I was mad & hurt about the situation. Like how tf was they gone explain to MY son that his half brother was also his fucking cousin. That was some fucked up shii like how tf yo mama also yo aunt.

"Figure it out own your on my nigga! Didn't u leave meh locked up for 5 years," I asked him with a tone. "Look man I was busy ok," he said. "Nigga u was fucking!! How tf else was u busy?! U nor Tariq came for meh!! Ion fuck with y'all nigga man!! & Ty'Sean bitch ass disappeared, he ainn look back eitha!! So fuck u," I said before hanging up.

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