Perfect -

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***Zayn's POV***


“So c-c'mon, you got it wrong, to prove I'm right I put it in this so-o-ong. I don't know why, you're being shy, and turn away when I look into your ey-ey-eyes,” I sang. Harry shot me a look as he started his solo.

What was his problem? I sang the line right, and nobody else seemed to notice. I scratched my chest, and as Harry finished up his solo, I pulled out the angel wings I had had on since I was in that hospital bed.

'Ugh, it's 'in a song', not 'this song',' I thought as I clutched the necklace. I opened my mouth to sing the chorus when it hit me, hard. I knew what I messed up. I knew why I had this necklace. I got it for Jordyn while she was in French Guinea and was flying to Mauritania. She had been gone for just about 2 months. She was supposed to only be gone for 93 day but since she was bitten by a snake she couldn't fly home.

I remembered! Very last detail was suddenly back, and so quickly, too. I nearly dropped my microphone when I realized. We finished the song and sat down for the interview. First Ellen told us how we had an announcement, which I quickly answered how we were adding an extra day at the Staples Center. The boys' heads all turned to me, since nobody had told me. I smiled slightly and shrugged.

After a few jokes about how she and Niall were twins which I always teased him about, Ellen turned to me. “So on a more serious note, I hear you uh, are having some memory loss?”

“Um, yeah, well I was,” I answered. I thought at that moment everybody gasped just a little bit.

“Oh, so when did you regain your memory?” Ellen pressed.

“Just now, actually.”

“Like, on this stage?”

“Yeah, when Harry was singing his solo after mine.” Everyone started screaming, and the boys smiled at me. Everything felt so right again. So easy. The interview went on.


“Y-you remember?” Jordyn asked. I nodded. She gave a tearful smile and I finally, after about 2 months, I pressed my lips up to hers and we let our mouths move together in perfect sync.

“You don't know how long I've waited for you to do that,” Jord sighed as I pulled back. I smiled.

“Me too.”

“But how do I know you really remember everything?” she challenged.

“You want proof? Okay, I'll give you proof. My name is Zayn Malik. I'm 19 years old turning 20 January 12. I grew up in Bradford with my family and three sisters and when I was sixteen I auditioned for X-Factor. I couldn't dance, but Simon put me through in a group with four other guys I still know and love today. I have brown eyes and brown hair with a blonde streak and am a recovering smoker. I love doodling and I have many tattoos. I believe it's 28 now. You and I met when I was still on X-Factor. I had just been put into the band and the live shows had just started two weeks earlier. We had performed Viva la Vida and My Life Would Suck Without You. It's was October, 2010. We were both on our phones and we ran into one another. I helped you pick up your dozens of shopping bags and you returned my phone to me. I immediately thought you were the most gorgeous girl I'd ever since, but I just met you, so I didn't speak up. Then you tried to bribe me to your house with you moms tea and biscuits, so I knew you liked me too. So we all became friends, the six of us.

“But then Harry asked you to be his girlfriend, July 4, 2011, your 16th birthday. I had to let you and him be together because you looked so happy in one another's arms. I knew you belonged with me, though. But I kept my mouth shut. Until the first time Harry cheated. You came to me for comfort and I thought my misery would be over, but instead you went back to him. That's when things got weird between us. We kind of stopped talking until the second time Harry cheated. That's when you called me at 2:30 in the morning and I had to rescue you from dreary Seranaders Road. And you cried. And I was there to make you feel better. And we kissed.

“It was like heaven sent angels that seemed to have found a happy home on your lips, because they were perfect. And I poured my heart out to you then, like I'm doing again now. And then Harry and I had that fight after he sang you Nothing by The Script, your favorite band besides us, of course. And then we started dating. But after you saw Harry kissing that girl Julia in New York, you called it quits. You put me through hell everyday knowing I wouldn't be able to see that perfect face of yours, and even if I thought about you, you couldn't be happy.

“But we went to Texas where you were staying with your family. We all met up and you made up with Harry. We were all okay again. Then we decided to encourage you to live your dreams taking photography around the world. So we sang you Moments, your favorite song from the first album, and wished you good luck. You flew off to Mexico with Kelsey while we finished the tour, and I was able to sleep again knowing you were happy. You weren't with me, but you were happy.

“And then you didn't come back in September to the airport. And I was so freakin' worried I did some crazy thing. I flew to Morocco, and found you but you and Kelsey had to leave a day before me. And so you landed safely, while my plane crashed. And I went into a coma,” I wanted to go on, but Jordyn stopped me.

“Alright Zayn, I believe you,” she whispered. I smiled and wiped away a few tears leaking out of her eyes from all the happy and sad memories.

“But I'm not done. I woke up. Louis and Eleanor broke up so he's now dating Kelsey. Everything else seemed more or less normal when I woke. And still I acted like a jerk. At first only to you. All I remembered was when you were with Harry. You moved into Harry's and turned him against me. Then that day on the golf course we made up kind of, and the five of us were friends. Except there's six of us. Harry still hated me. But we made up after I got my memory back. But Jordyn the important part there is how sorry I am I was so rude about everything. I really behaved horribly. I'm really, really sorry.”

“It's really no problem. I love you,” Jordyn said. “Oh, and bye Kelsey,” she added. Kelsey had slipped out while I was recapping our relationship. I chuckled.

“I love you,” I said, kissing her softly. She snuggled onto my chest and I wrapped my arm around her. There was a long silence.

“Zayn?” she finally spoke. “You were just telling me about our past. What about our future?”

I smiled and kissed the top of her head before I answered. “I guess we're all just gonna have to wait and see.”

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