my brother the thief

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My Brother The Thief  

The handbag was in my brother’s hand as he ran from the mall where we had just committed an epic bag snatch of a wealthy woman. Who looked to have too much money and not quite enough brains. So as my brother ran off with a Louis Vuitton hand bag tucked under his left arm the lady just sat there and whimpered that the bag had cost her so much money. I didn’t pay attention to how much, I just pretended I wasn’t involved in the bag snatch so I looked like I was just a handbag bystander , I proceeded to tell the security guard all the wrong information so my brother wouldn’t get into lots of trouble later.

The deal was to meet back out at old pops motor home later to go halves in the proceeds of the crime. We always went halves because we knew that almost every week we would be off to do it again. Off to pick on the rich once more!

As it turned out my brother couldn’t quite help himself and had looked up what this handbag was worth. I know this because when I got back to the motor home at Bolder Drive Caravan Park the laptop that belonged to my beloved brother was open to a site with pricings of Louis Vuitton handbags. Did ya know they can be worth almost half the amount ya originally pay for one of those bags. I just hope my brother isn’t going stupid with the cash that by now would be in his hot little hands, and by hot I mean burning with adrenalin from the rush he always gets for this bag snatch’s he’s a bit like an addict when it comes to thieving stuff. It gives him this huge rush.

My brother was never really the honest type always telling my pop that we were working in the supermarket or had been mowing lawns. But where in the heck do you pay a kid $1000 to do a couple hours work in your grocery store? I’ll tell ya where nowhere because that’s just crazy talk.

I should have realized when my brother didn’t return that the money was going to be spent or that he had been caught. As it was the earlier of the two I will tell ya what that numb skull bought with $1700 . He bought back a TV that cost him a $1000, a new wardrobe to wear which he didn’t even buy me a shirt mind you and cost him $300 you could say that he has expensive taste in clothing so because not all the money had been spent the idiot bought an iPad .  Just so there was no money for me greedy idiot he is. So now I’m in they process of flogging his stuff on eBay in the hopes of getting my half back mean while he’s knocked out cold after I wrapped pops gardening shovel around his head.

I shall think he’s learned his lesson for this week.

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