Chapter Forty Eight

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Although it was late, more than half of the SS2 students refused to go home waiting for their mates who had went for competitions making a lot of students wait.

As soon as the bus drove into the school the students all rushed out of their classes. Deji had already yelled that they all made it making the school go in an uproar.

The students surrounded the bus and as they students got down, they hounded them. Nathaniel covered Semiloore as they got down and all kinds of questions were asked. It was Deji who had taken his time to explain to them.

Many SS3 students were shocked. Akin and Moyo were not left out.

Those idiots actually made it?

It was somehow on unbelievable but with Mr Williams, they couldn't be lying while he looked on right? He even had a huge smile on his lips.

The students started to get on the buses on their own and started to go home.

"How was it?" Her mom walked as soon as she walked into the house.

Semiloore smirked at her mom in reply as the latter laughed to herself. The guys sat on the sofa tired. Deji yawned and Tamiloore snapped at him.

"Awey cover your mouth"

Others burst into laughter while Deji glared at Tamiloore.

"Tomorrow is the GVS debate right?"

Tamiloore nodded as she dripped everyone's food in their front.

"Your partners?" Semiloore asked.

Tamiloore looked delighted "They are really cool, especially that SS1 girl"

"An SS1 girl?"

"Yes. She's really cool"

"What's her name?"



"Tomorrow is also the EEC right?"

Tara who had been writing all kinds of essays and having them marked paused while eating her food.

"We shouldn't worry about her"

Tara choked immediately "Why not?"

"You are good enough as it is" Semiloore replied drinking water.

"Are you mocking me?"

Semiloore spat out the water "Ya! I saw most of the essays you wrote. You were good. Its also good you wrote on different topics similar to the theme this year"

Tara continued eating her food without a word.
"Tara you can rest,the rest we read till 1"

"Except me?"

"You'll be fine. You can just read through the essays you wrote"


"What are you doing here?" Nath asked as soon as he came out of the toilet as saw Semiloore leaning on the room door. Others had just gone to sleep.

"To fulfill my promise"

"What promise?"

Semiloore put her hand in his "Telling you about my dad"

Nath didn't reply as he allowed her to pull him to the balcony. He sat down and didn't complain when the girl plopped into his laps. He only wrapped her hands around her.

"Dad studied mass communication so he was a TV presented at TVC before he opened his own broadcasting station. He met mom when his company was interviewing surgeons all over the country. They fell in love and dated for quite a while and one day while on a business trip when he was speaking. After his speech,he went on his knee and proposed to mom. It was the best proposal of the year. Even mom wasn't expecting it. She said yes and they got married in one of the biggest RCCG church in Lagos. They were so happy and then we were born. We were the apple of our parents eyes. They could be considered as one of the busiest people living in Nigeria but they tried hard to create time to stay with us. They took us out and our birthdays were celebrate in grand styles. Tamiloore was the closest to Dad,I was also close to him and he played the most with me. One day we heard them arguing,at first we thought it was a disagreement and couples disagree right? It continued for a long time. Dad stopped coming with mom to take us out on weekends. He always came home whenever we had slept. Mom would cover his food on the table and he wouldn't touch it. We didn't have the slightest idea of whatever was going on. We were just going to be 5 but we were smart and at least understood that their arguments weren't about small matters. Our birthday was approaching soon and instead of the loud preparations nothing was forth coming. Mom was making preparations but it wasn't like other years. Anytime we asked her,"mommy where's daddy?" Her usual reply was always "He's very busy, he said he's sorry for not making it". We soon got tired of asking. Dad came home the day before our birthday and luckily we were still awake by that time. I ran up to him and asked if he would be coming for the party. He promised he was going to come. The next day, I waited and waited for him but he didn't show up. I was so angry and devastated. The next time I saw my dad was on TV announcing that he was going to divorce mom. Mom, she was battered and hurt. She took a leave from work and locked herself up for a long time. We didn't understand why she wouldn't pay attention to us but one day she got out of her room wearing huge smiles with makeup. She drove us to school and came to pick us. She drove us around town and played with us. She's was more than jovial and she resumed work. That time I didn't understand but as I grew up I knew how hard it must have been for her back then. To get back on her feet. Birthday parties were banned after the fifth year birthday party. This was the first time we've had a birthday party ever since then"

Semiloore tears had soaked the latter clothes.
"Do you resent him?" Nathaniel asked.

"I used to do but now that I have a dad,am busy loving my dad and I've forgotten to resent him"

"Those memories,do they still haunt you"

"Once in a while, but I've made a lot with Joe that Joe's have almost replaced all of it"

"Is this an habit?"

"What habit?"

"Soaking my shirt"

Semiloore laughed against his chest as she wiped her cheeks, "I cultivated it because of you"

Nath looked down at the girl in his laps "You are not serious right?"

"You are always lending me your shirt?"

"Lending? You always use it whether I allow it or not"

"Its my boyfriend's can't I use it?"

Nath swallowed his saliva as he shook his head "Of course not"

Semiloore snuggled closer into his embrace, "Should I sing you a song?"


"What song?"

"What's my name in your contact list?" Semiloore suddenly asked.


"Give me your phone"

Nath removed his phone from his pocket and opened it before giving her. Semiloore punched her first number and her cheeks reddened immediately.

My Baby Crush💋

"You are so old fashioned" Semiloore murmured.

"Old fashioned?"

Semiloore punched in her other line and covered her cheeks.


"You are so cheeky"

"I'm not"

"You are"

"I'm not"

"You are"

"I just freaking said am not"

"You are" Semiloore continued teasing him.

Nath laughed as she continued playing around. "What do you want to be in future?"

Semiloore seemed to think for a while before shrugging "I don't know"


"I don't have interest in anything"

"Of course you don't" Nath replied with a chuckle.

Each was left in their own thoughts as they stared at the midnight sky. The stars and moon shone brightly.

Semiloore lips lifted in a huge smile. Minutes later her slow breathing was soon noticed by Nathaniel.

He chuckled "Ya,you even managed to sleep huh?"

He laughed slightly as he scooped her up and use his leg to close to the door before walking upstairs.

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