Part 1

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The sun was bright and the playful wind danced around Elissa. She made her way up the hill taking her time so she wouldn't tire herself. She heard the sound of horse hooves running up behind her and shouting. Before she could turn around, the horses skimmed by her making Elissa loose balance and fall down. Straight down on her bum. She glared up at the two riders, a young boy and a young man around her age— maybe older— who was now approaching her.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked the older one in worry. He hopped off his horse to help her, but she held out her hand to stop him.

He had curly light brown hair and eyes the colour of honey. If she wasn't so angry at him, she might have admired how handsome he was.

"What is your problem? Watch where your going, will you!" she yelled at him as she stood up and dusted her skirt. His eyes widened in shock and took a cautious step back.

"Umm, do you not know who I am?" The man asked skeptical.

"No, why would I care who you are? You can be the damn prince you have no right to stomp over people as you please!"

The man chuckled. "Well..."

"Hey, I am the prince," pipped the little boy on the horse. Elissa's eyes widened in shock.

"Hey rascal, shut it!" the man snapped at him.

"Hey, you can't talk to him like that!" frowned Elissa, taken aback.

The prince stuck out his tongue to the guy who returned an annoyed look.

"Why not?" he asked, sounding annoyed.

"Well first of all he's a prince and especially since he's a child," she replied. People were often taught to respect their elders, but people rarely respected children.

"So you have the hots for loyalty, eh?" The man sighed, rolling his eyes to the side.

Elissa shook her head. "I personally cannot stand them, especially the prince Erik," she answered with a shiver. "I don't know you yet little Prince, so I guess this excludes you for now."

The boy raised his hands as if backing away from the problem.

The man gasped. His jaw slacking. "But why?"

"Oh I can go on forever! Do you hear the way the town girls go on and on about him? He thinks every girl in this kingdom belongs to him! Flash a smile here and there and they'll fall to his feet!" Elissa explained. How could people be so shallow?

"Well isn't it true ? He's a great guy and is really handsome," said the man confidently.

"There's more to a person then looks, what's it to you... You aren't perhaps?" Elissa hesitated. That could be a problem.

"No! No! I'm just their loyal guard. My name is Errr... Ethan Knight! I watch the prince. I've known them for so long we're practically family!" he explained, almost rambled.

"Well, you can tell your "family" to take care of this kingdom better! There are people starving because their taxes are so high!" Elissa rampaged. That was one of the main reasons why she did not like the royal family. While they lived comfortably, people were starving and sick.

"That's not true ! The king and queen are great people they-- hey!" The man yelled as she started walking away from him with an eye roll. "Where are you going while I'm still talking to you?! You know you can be imprisoned or beheaded for talking so poorly about the royal family!"

She stopped and turned around. The man could see her irritation clearly. "Well then Mr, Royal Guard, take me away!"

Ethan paused and looked her up and down. Elissa had long dark black hair with big deep blue eyes, her pale skin brought out the blood in her cheeks making them look rosy.

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