Part 5

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The price was a date.

Elissa was dumbfounded. Surprised. Confused.

Erik reaches for Elissa's hand, but she pulled away abruptly.

This only made him shake his head with a playful tsk.

"Oh no Elissa, we're on a date remember?"

She let out a loud sigh, rubbing her temples.

"You're going to make me regret this, aren't you?" she frowned.

He chuckled at that.

"I'm going to make you regret not doing this earlier," Erik winked, making Elissa rolled her eyes.

Erik held out his hand, this time Elissa grabbed it.

The prince smiled satisfied. "Oh how I love it when I win."

Elissa shook her head and laughed. They began walking to the stables. Elissa was shocked to find him leading her to a dark horse.

"Here, come meet Lila. Don't be scared," he said grabbing Elissa's hand and putting it on the mane. Lila neighed gently. Elissa laughed.

"She's beautiful," she gushed in awe. She always loved horses.

"She likes you. I guess she can sense your good nature," he said truthfully.

"You think I have good nature? I admit I've been a scrooge lately," she blushed embarrassed.

Erik let out a loud laugh. "A Scrooge? I'm a pretty tough person to handle, I like how you can manage me."

Elissa joined his laughter.

"Do you want to go for a ride?" he asked, unlocking Lila's gate.

"Really?" beamed Elissa.

"Yes really," he said, walking Lila out of the stables. Erik hopped on top of the horse and held his hand out to Elissa. She hopped on behind him.

"Are you not going to hang on?" He asked, she could hear the taunt in his tone.

"Don't dream about it," she scoffed.

"Okay, don't regret it," he said and suddenly hit Lila. "Hya!"

Elissa let out a surprised shriek and clung on to Erik. "Are you crazy? I could have fell!"

"I told you to hang on!" He laughed.

He did have a point there...

They rode all along the castle grounds and across the hills. They got off Lila to give her a break near a pond.

"This is so beautiful," said Elissa admiring the scenery around her.

"Yes, I forgot how much I use to love this. I use to come here all the time with my brother," he said.

"What happened?" asked Elissa.

"We got into an argument," he admitted.

"Do you regret it?" she asked.

"How do you know?" he raised a curious brow. People were quick to ask what happened, but Elissa asked about his feelings first. This was different to him.

"Your eyes. Your face always smiles, but your eyes tell another story," she said honestly.

Erik paused, really looking at Elissa.

"You sure are an interesting girl."

"I'll take that as a compliment... Have you tried talking to your brother?" She asked.

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