Part 4

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"Here, you're holding it all wrong," he said as he placed his arms around her. Elissa couldn't help but blush. He demonstrated how to thrust the sword before stepping back.

"Do you want to give it a go?" he asked. Elissa nodded her head.

"Okay start!" he said. Erik lungged at Elissa but she dodged the sword and hit his wrist making him drop the sword then point the sword at his throat. Erik put his hands out in front of him as if to surrender.

His eyes were wide and his jaw had fallen in shock. "That. Is. Not. Fair. You never told me you can fight."

"You never asked me," she smiled maliciously.

A smile rugged on his lips.

"Sneaky girl."

Then in a swift second he kicked his sword back into his hand and began to fight with Elissa again. The sound of wooden swords echoed around them as they went back and forth. Before Elissa could get the upper hand, Erik grabbed her wrist with the sword, pulling her from behind and placing the blade against her throat. He then whispered in her ear. "I told you you shouldn't underestimate me."

Elissa tried to break free of his grasp, but he held on tightly.

"Let me go," she said.

"Not until you tell me in a great fighter," he said. She could hear the smirk in his voice.

"You're a great fighter, now let me go," she said.

"And that I am very handsome that your heart skips a beat every time you see me," he added.

She gasped.

"I certainly will not," she said sternly.

"And I am certainly not letting go," he said in a sing-song tone.

Elissa tried to struggle out of his grasp, but he successfully held on. He was very strong. It made her angrier.

"Struggling won't work but some magic words will," he said tauntingly.

"No never, you will have to let go eventually," she said.

"No actually, I am enjoying this very much. You know, I noticed holding you in this position that our bodies fit perfectly together. Wouldn't you say?" he teased.

"You are shameful. Let go!" she continued to struggle.

"Oh come on just I want to hear you give up! You have too much pride!" He said.

"I won't say it."

"Say it!"


"If you don't say it then I might do something you might not like... well most girls like it," he teased.

"You wouldn't dare!" She gasped.

"You sure?" he whispered seductively in her ear.

"Fine, I'll say it! You're very... Handsome," she said breathlessly.


"And what?"

"Finish the line!"

"And it makes my heart skip a beat every time I see you, now let go," she said.

Erik let go and burst into laughter. He lay on the floor laughing. Elissa just pilled with anger.

"It's not funny," she pouted.

"Oh it very indeed is," he said.

"Stop laughing," she frowned.

"Oh I can't! You should have seen your face! I swear this is too be written in the books! The day Elissa Smith gave up and confessed the truth," he said.

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