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Alfred looked at the words on screen intently. Curiosity has been working harder than ever since Opportunity died, but it isn't enough. Words rapidly appeared, writing out every single action in the exact place and time. Having two robots do all the work was easy enough, but one? There's bound to be mistakes happening. And soon.

He closed his eyes, letting out a deep sigh. Alfred wished there was a more efficient way of doing this, but hey, it was the 1700s, can you really blame him like all the others do?

He opened his eyes again, skimming over the time gaps. An hour at most in between. A lot can happen in an hour: a nation could die, a mass murder could occur, one's life can fall apart, and information could spread. Confidential information. Things that are best left forgotten; forever.

Alfred sighed again, this time out of frustration. Morons don't have the slightest clue what he's doing for them!

Ungrateful bastards, Alfred thought bitterly. I should've those bitches get their just desserts. But it was too late now, and not one spell can turn back time, can it? No, that would be too much power, even for a nation.

And the more power a nation has, their corruption rate have a higher rate of rising, and if that happens then death is a guarantee.

It wasn't supposed to be like this; having to lock his counterpart away for the sake of the world's safety only to have them insult you mercilessly every. Single. Day. None of this is okay! Alfred should kill everyone who ever wronged him and his country!

But no. That would contradict everything he ever worked for. It wouldn't make sense, wanting to destroy the world but being the only reason it still exists.

Sometimes Alfred thinks it would've been better if he had just let the world run it's course.

But sometimes, you have to do what you have to do to keep everyone safe.

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