the mini market-james hetfield

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so hi. it's my first story here. english isn't my mother tongue so please don't judge me about the grammatical mistakes i make. i also take requests so please tell me what you want. so yeah i hope you'll like my oneshots. ~J

i finally got to go to a concert!! i've been working to buy a ticket since my family doesn't understand that 'screaming guitar shit'. i also can see my precious idol at the concert. the thought just seems like the perfect dream.
the concert is in a few hours so i started to get ready. i first took a shower. i didn't choose something fancy to wear since i'll be headbanging like shit. i chose a metallica merch tank top along with black ripped skinny jeans and a leather jacket. i also wore a parfume with a light smell. i packed my things and after 2 hours of getting ready,i was ready to go.

the place where the concert will be takes 45 minutes to drive so i assume i'll be there on time. after good drive with blasting music,i arrived there. oh god my hands are sweating so much.

after headbanging like mad motherfuckers the concert ended. it was crazy to see them live. the sound of james' raspy deep voice,how kirk almost raped his guitar,jason's backvocals and his insane talent on bass and lars drumming like crazy,it came to an end. so after the concert ended,my head ached and i thought i may need an hour or two to get myself together and drive so i don't end up crashing.

i saw a mini market and i was thinking about getting a cigarette,some snacks and soda. not alcohol since i'll be driving. while i was getting the things i want,i heard a similar deep voice talking to someone short. he had blonde long hair. i swear if this is james hetfield,i would lose my shit. i was getting closer to see who he was and omg it's fucking james hetfield. i definitely have to talk to him since i don't think i'll get that chance again. while i was looking at him,he turned his back and made an eye contact with me. i quickly looked away and heard a chuckle. omfg my precious idol LOOKED AT ME. yeah I defined need to talk with him. after the short person went to outside, he was going to the fridge-like thing to get some beverage. i followed him i also needed to get something anyway. while i was picking a coke, i felt someone's hand touching mine. i think the hand would belong to james.
i said "oh sorry" nervously.
he chuckled and said "no need to apologize. i assume you just came back from our concert. did you like it?"
"yeah of course i did! it was my first concert and i'll never forget that concert. you guys were just amazing!" i replied.
he smiled brightly and said:
"if i could make a beautiful lady happy,how great that is. would you like to chat a bit? i was bored and i don't think i'll go with the other guys."
"would it be right?"
"of course it would!"
"oh okay! my name's (y/n). nice to meet you!"
we paid for our things and went out. we chatted about everything and the time passed so fast. i started shivering from the cold. i only had a leather jacket with me and it wasn't helping.
"you alright?"
"o-of course! it's just that i didn't expect this cold."
"do you want to wear my coat?"
"n-no it's not that necessary. and you will also be cold. umm i have my car over there. we can go there if you'd like to." oh shit. i made a too brave move. he thought for a second and gave me that heart melting smile.
"oh we can. that would be a better idea."
we went there and inside of my car was warm. i let out a satisfied sigh. i was at the driver seat and he was next to me. we continued our chat for an hour. i said:
"oh shit. it's 3 a.m. the time passed so fast!" james said:
"yeah. i had so much fun and i don't want it to end. also.. can you give me a drive? the guys already left and there's no way i can go there by walking." and he chuckled. i looked at him and saw his red cheeks. omg I MADE HIM BLUSH. i nervously said:
"of course i can. but i don't know where your place is.
"oh shit. if only i knew where." this precious guy is a dork and it's hella cute. he also added:
"I would sound like a creep. but can i stay at your place? i have no place to sleep right now and i don't know the address of the hotel we stay." my face became hotter than the freaking sun immediately. the freaking metallica's frontman james alan hetfield wants to stay at MY PLACE?! when i looked at him,i saw a tint of nervousness in his eyes and i thought this guy really isn't lying. my expression softened and my blush faded a little. i said:
"if you don't become uncomfortable that is okay with me."
"yay! thank you." he smiled brightly. i started driving. after a few minutes i heard..snoring? i assume james was asleep. after a big crazy concert he must be tired. so i closed the music and let him sleep til we come home. i poked his shoulder.
"james. james we're here." i said softly. it was a pain waking him up. after a few minutes of trying. i decided to carry him by myself. he is heavy af. i gave up. umm what about kissing his cheek? i blused at the thought but no harm from trying. I softly pressed my lips to his cheek and he shivered. he smirked and said:
"brave aren't we?"
" oh okay. so let's go in shall we?" he chuckled. we went in and i took his coat off and hang it.
" you can have a shower first and borrow the couch. i can give you some of my brother's clothes and you can sleep in the guest room."
"oh thank you. i have no idea how i can pay you for this." i smiled and said:
"you don't have to."
i wore my pjs while he was taking a shower. he wore my brother's clothes which were a little tight but the shorts fit him good. i made his room ready and said:
"so if you can't sleep or have some problems,you can tell me anytime. here's my room." i pointed the room next.
"thanks. i will."
after a few hours, i heard my door creaking open. i first got scared and realized it was james.
"can i sleep with you? i saw a nightmare and i can't sleep since." this guy is a big kid haha.
"of course you can. do you want to talk about that nightmare?"
we talked about his nightmare and i was getting sleepy. i assume he was too. we slept and i felt his arms around my waist. he was warm and i didn't say anything. this night couldn't be any better i thought while falling into a deep slumber

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