cuddles and kisses-kirk hammett

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hey y'all im back with a kinda short kork oneshot. please request me something i have no idea what to write about. so have fun lmao

"how was your day honey?"you asked him as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
he smiled "it was kinda tiring but if i have you by my side,then you know it's a good day." and held you closer. you turned your body to face him and started pecking his lips. he giggled and enjoyed the treatment you gave to him. after that he smiled warmly and kissed your forehead.
"ya know what (y/n)? i love you so much. i love you so much that sometimes i think i'm under a spell."
"yeah i'm a witch who is 250 years old and i put you on my spell."
you started laughing and you laughed a good 5 minutes before your lungs started to ache. you were the couple who would find everything funny and goofy. after a good laugh he held you and held your chin to face him. when you looked at him,you saw his chocolate brown eyes sparkling that would make you weak. you could feel your cheeks getting hotter as you look at him. he found that cute and he pecked your cheek.
"seriously (y/n) being that much cute should be illegal. you could murder people and still everyone would adore you haha"
"same goes for you Kirky."
you nuzzled into his neck and kissed his neck. you felt him shivering and giggled.
"horror movies and binge?" he requested.
"which one are we watching?"
"let's watch a classic one. what about the Shining? (thats my fav one lmao)
you watched the classic with Kirk and you knew every line by heart but you're waiting for the famous one.
"HERE'S JOHNNY" you said and he laughed at your enthusiasm.
after the movie ended,you were kinda sleepy.
"you look tired (y/n). it's better if you go to bed."
"nah i'm good let's watch another one."
you were watching a Bela Lugosi film because Kirk loves him. not long after the film started he felt heaviness at his shoulder and heard slow breaths. he looked at your peaceful face and understood how much you meant to him and he would be ready to give you everything. you were his angel. he thought while falling asleep near you.

so gorls was that chapter okay? i'm still thinking if i should write a Lars oneshot or a Cliff oneshot tho...

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