james hetfield smut

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hey y'all it's me. imma write smuts a few chapters bc why not.

i was watching tv when i heard the doorbell ringing. maybe it could be james! he was going to take a break from the tour and he said he was going to stay at my place. i unlocked the door and opened. as i opened the door,i heard a bag tossed to the corner and i felt soft lips of my lover. he was kissing me roughly and passionately. our tongues were dancing with each other.his tongue went into my mouth and explored every inch. his hands were running down from my back to the curve of my butt. we kissed till we ran out of breath.
"h-hah i missed you james."
"not much as i did (y/n)." he said with a deep growly voice.
i could tell he was turned on. because his eyes were darkest of blue and i could see the bulge growing in his pants. after a minute, he attacked my lips again. i climbed up and wrapped my legs around his back. we were going to the bedroom. when we were there,he slowly placed me on the bed and climbed on top of me. he attacked my neck,kissing,licking and biting. i was trying to hold back my moans but he did it so good.
"mhh" i moaned.
"do these voices often (y/n). you turn me on so much more." he whispered. i could feel his breath against my neck. i blushed. it was getting hotter and more uncomfortable down there and i was squeezing my legs together to ease the tension. but it wasn't helping so much. he was kissing my neck harder this time. i moaned and mewled. he cursed "fuck" and i felt him getting even bigger. i was grinding against him.
"i-i swear (y/n). if you don't fucking stop,i will fuck you even harder." he said with and angry,impatient and growly voice.
i was turned on even more with that.
"hahh yes daddy. please fuck me senselessly." i said with a horny voice.
"ha! there's no turning back now (y/n). i will do you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week." he smirked and gave a slow,sensitive lick to my ear.
he took off his t shirt and he almost tore mine. i wasnt wearing any bra or underwear since i was home and comfortable. so his baggy shirt was the only piece of clothing i had. he took off his sweatpants and i could see his big manhood from his boxers. he came closer to me and said:
"are you ready princess?"
he took off his boxers and thrusted his manhood into me. it hurt at first but after a few thrusts,it was a heavenly feeling and i didn't want it to stop.
"james f-faster please."
he started going even faster and i couldn't even let out a noise. i was gasping and my eyes were shut because of the intense feeling. then i felt myself getting close and i was squeezing his manhood a lot more.
"you're so tight!" he grunted
"ha ah i'm coming i'm coming!"
then a wave of pleasure washed over me and i released at the same time with him. i was out of breath.
" that was so good princess. but i'm not done with you tonight." he said and smirked.
this was going to be a long night..

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