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It has been six months since the Mae young classic, I had moved to Orlando to work in NXT usa with Candace and Rhea being in NXT Uk. We were all really close and became inseperable with my feelings for Rhea growing more and more every time we had hung out. I feel like I was about to explode.

"Lillie can I talk to you about?" Candace said leaning up against the wall in the dressing room.

"Yeah what's up?" I said stretching getting ready for my match.

"Tell her how you feel, now before you say anything just listen to me. I see how you two look at each other. When you two are together no one else in the room seems to exist, it's the same way I look at Johnny or what I have been told. You need to make the first move."

"Why do I have to make the first move?," I asked as we walked to the gorilla together.

"Because she doesn't believe me that you are into her."

"Wait a minute you told her!?"

"Well yeah just trust me make the first move."

"Candace I can't. What if she doesn't feel the same way I will look fucking stupid."

"Just trust me when I say you won't."

What exactly did she mean by that? Does Rhea having feelings for me also? But why me of all the locker room why me? I'm so broken.

I slipped those thoughts to the back of my mind as I heard my theme music hit, I was facing Dakota tonight and after a long grueling match I got the win.

"Great job out there kiddo, I love working with you," Dakota said giving me a hug

"Thank you I enjoy working with you also," I said turning away to head back to my locker room so I could finally change.

I had finally made it and opening the door and turning on the light.

"Hey Lillie pad," I heard that familiar Australian accent.

"RHEA!!!" I said just about tackling her to ground. "I missed you, wait what are you doing here?"

"Well I wanted to surprise you, they finally moved me to the US."

"Swear to god?"

"Yes ma'am."

Now was my opportunity to make my move that Candace told me to make earlier.

"I should have done this a long time again," I told Rhea leaning in the slowly kiss her. As soon as my lips hit her I felt instant sparks shoot through my body and I didn't want to let her go. I instantly knew I wanted her around for a long time until the end of time.

"So you do feel the same way," I said after the kiss broke.

"Shut up and kiss me again," she said with that beautiful smile that absolutely made my glow. I knew I never wanted to leave her arms.

"See I told you Lillie to trust me," Candace said standing in the door way scaring me and Rhea both.

"Shut up," I said grabbing Rhea's hand to hold it, rolling my eyes at Candace.

"Okay I will leave you two love birds you two have fun but not too much fun."

"Bye Candace," Rhea said rolling her eyes.

"Stay with me," I said turning back to Rhea and cupping her face.

"Okay but can I ask you a question?"

"Well of course," I said holding on to her hand not wanting to let go.

" Be my girlfriend, I have been wanting to ask you for a lot time now but I didn't know how you felt about me."

"Only if you move in with me."

"Yes I would love too."

"You have your answer then," I said slowly kissing her face again.

I helped her to my car and told her just to follow me back home.

When we got home I helped her with her suitcases and gave her the extra key that the apartment complex gave me.

"Welcome home baby," I said unlocking the door. " Make yourself at home, fair warning though Luke lives next door so he will pop in unannounced he also has a key."

"Okay so I can't walk around naked then," Rhea said winking at me walking to our now bedroom.

"Wait now that is a different story, I will just text Luke not to come over so I can have you all to myself." I could feel the sexual tension growing stronger between us.

"Enough with the games," Rhea said pushing me up against the wall with her hand around my neck lightly putting pressure. "Looks like I just need to fuck you now."

"Please," is the the only thing I could seem to get out.

She picked me up and tossed me on the bed.

"I'm tired if waiting, you are all mine," she said attacking my lips causing me to moan.

She kissed all the way down taking her time to make sure everything inch of me got all of her attention.

"You are all of mine," she said stripping me down "I want to hear you screaming my name."

"Yes I'm all yours," I said barely being able to speak. She knew exactly all the spots to hot.

After I curled up and laid on her chest listening to her heart beat matching the rhythm of mine. This moment is what exactly I have been waiting for ever since I laid eyes on her and it finally was coming true.

"Don't leave me," I said continuing to listen to her heart beat.

"Not unless you want me too baby doll, I promise to stick by your side no matter what life throws at us." She said kissing my forehead. "You mean the absolute world to me."

I had finally found someone who made not just me happy but my heart and soul also, but one thought lingard in the back of my mine how exactly my mom and dad would react to me dating a girl. I'm not going to tell them until the timing is right.

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