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I know I was young but I knew what I wanted in life. I had a passion for wrestling and I had a dream of making it big and being the next big thing, but I knew it wasn't going to be easy but I was so ready to put the work in for it. I had moved out of my parents place last year so I could go be at a decent wrestling school. It was hard work and a lot of the time I fell down but I always knew how to get right back up and keep going out what i want, little did I know my life was about to make a huge turn away and the greatest opportunity was about to come my way.

*Hey kid when you get the facility I got huge news for you!*

*Okay cool I will be up there in about 30 mins.*

*No rush get here when you can.*

Lucky for me my trainer was also my booker, so anytime I got a job or got a try-out everything would go through him. He had got to be a huge help and also my best friend since my parents want nothing to do with my wrestling path. He had stepped up when I needed someone the most. My parents wanted me to go to college but quickly they learned that wasn't going to happen and got told they wasn't going to support my dream.

I got dressed and made me a quick breakfast and headed to training facility, I could barely eat because I was so excited to find out what my news was.

"Hey kiddo about time you got here," Luke said running up to me.

"Haha very funny I'm sorry I over slept, so what is the news you have to tell me?" I said starting to stretch before I started working out.

"You may want to stand up for this, so a couple of weeks ago I sent in one of your tapes in for the Mae young classic and you got a call back, they want you to compete.

"Your fucking kidding," I said jumping up in excitement.

"No ma'am you need to be there from a month from today, they hadn't really said who you will be facing, but there will be women from all over the world."

"Holy shit, that's so awesome! I want to work even harder and I want you to push me even harder then what you have been."

"Say no more I got you kid. I know how much you want to sign with nxt."

I had finally made it out of training and I was so tired but I knew I needed to push myself to prepare myself. I had got back to my car and debated on texting my mom to let her know even though they probably wouldn't care.

Lilith: heyy mom I got some exciting news!

Mom: hey sweetie what's going on?

"Lilith: WWE wants me to compete in the Mae young classic, this is a HUGE opportunity!

Mom: Good, now what happens if it does work out? You going to college then?

Lilith: Mom I'm trying not to think about that and no.

Mom: okay.

Just once in my life I just wanted my parents to be proud of me, the excitement and joy of competing and meeting new people were just drained straight out of me.

Lilith: hey Luke you busy??

Luke: No what's up?

Lilith: swing by my place I need some company, pizza and beer okay? I know I'm not suppose to be eating it but I need it right now.

Luke: yeah sure, everything okay??

Lilith: not really but I will explain everything when you get here.

Luke: okay kiddo see you in about 20 mins.

That came me just enough time to get a quick shower and pick up a little around the apartment. I got a quick shower and put my hair into a mess bun and put on an old WWE shirt and a pair of yoga pants.

About 20 minutes later I heard a familiar knock on the door.

"Come in," I called out from the kitchen, "it's open."

"Hey kiddo I brought the pizza."

"Perfect! Sit it in there on the coffee table you can turn on whatever you want."

"Okay just cut to it what happened after you left the gym."

"So I got this bright idea of texting my mom I don't know why but I thought it would be nice to tell them, but anyway I told her and all she could say well you going to college if it doesn't work out? I'm like no mom we will start over. You know if they hate this I can only imagine how they will react when I finally time them I'm bisexual I know that time is coming also."

"Hey don't worry about that at all right now you will kick ass like you always do. I have a feeling they are going to like what they see."

"You really think so??"

"I do and you know I will always be here for you kiddo."

"Thank you I really appreciate."

"By the way anything happening with anyone special lately?"

I busted out laughing.

" You are hilarious," I said still continuing to laugh. "either I'm way to busy and no one is willing to work around that or they completely waste my time so that is the last thing on my mind."

The last thing that was on my mind right now was dating someone little did I know that was all about to change and my world was about to turn upside down.

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