Chapter 6

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Smokescreen skidded across the floor, his head bumping a wall softly as he came to a halt. His legs thumped to the ground and he lay there for a moment. Then-

"That was awesome!" he shouted, springing up. "I got you, didn't I?!"

"Yep," Cliffjumper wheezed, gripping his middle. The young boy was stronger and better trained than he'd thought. Apparently this Prowl had taught him well. He still didn't exactly know what his power was, however, as Smokescreen used weapons and hand to hand combat.

Smokescreen yessed and did a victory dance. "But before you get too excited, I did just throw you into the wall."

"Got thrown into the wall by Cliffjumper? I gotta go put that down." He darted off and Cliffjumper sighed, rubbing his forehead. His head ached. Smokescreen sure put up a fight and had grabbed one of his horns and pulled him down, momentarily pinning him. He hadn't expected that, and it sure did hurt. But he wasn't about to admit that.

"So, I see you've been busy." He whirled around and saw Arcee, clad in her armor, leaning against the entrance with her arms crossed. "Not exactly waiting for customers."

"I didn't know you were allowed down here...."

"There's a servant waiting."

"Where are you going off to?"

"Fetch the humans. Nothing good can come from them being sitting ducks. Nemesis probably isn't too happy with them."

"Why visit me?"

"Much as I'm mad at you, you're still my friend. I just want to see how you're holding up."

"The little guy down here can give you a headache, whether from talking or from bashing your head against a wall."

"Sounds exciting." An awkward silence settled over them and Cliffjumper coughed. "Well, if that's all said and done, you seem to be doing fine." She spun around and was about to head out when Smokescreen came barreling down the hallway.

"Hey, Cliff there's-" He stopped dead when he saw Arcee. "I can't believe it. Arcee herself! I thought you were banned from coming down here!" He held out his hand and Arcee took it, looking uncomfortable as he started shaking it vigorously. "It's such an honor! I'm Smokescreen! But you probably already knew that. Oh, by Primus. I'm so sorry I wasn't at the front. Me and Cliff were training."

"Hey, can you, uh, fetch me a staff? Any staff? We need a moment," Arcee said, her voice stiff. Cliffjumper knew what was coming. Smokescreen nodded quickly, either sensing the urgency or just wanting to get her something, anything. Once he was gone, Arcee turned back to face him.

"You let him call you Cliff?" she asked, clearly offended. "I'm your best friend and you didn't let me call you that!"

"It's complicated," he said, scratching uncomfortably behind his head.

"How? How is it complicated? I know it's such small thing to you, but to me, it hurts, Cliffjumper! This little guy you hardly know and you let him call you that." He winced when she called him by his full name. "Well...well fine! Have fun with your new best friend!" She whirled around and started exiting.

"Arcee, wait!" he called. She slowed and glanced back. "Smokescreen will want to give you the staff."

"Tell him I'll be waiting in the front," she said hotly and continued. Smokescreen came in a couple minutes later and Cliffjumper passed on the location.

"I heard yelling," Smokescreen said softly when he returned. "Is that why you got fired?"

"Things are very different now," Cliffjumper said.

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