Chapter 8

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The wind rushed past his face. He was falling. His wings wouldn't function and neither would his powers. He could only stare at the clouds growing farther and farther away.

Then it clicked. The wings shot open and he flipped around, one wing completely dunking into a pond of frigid water as he did so. He lifted himself into the sky and up to the clouds.

It was happening so fast, but so slow. Two years ago, he'd journeyed to find Megatron's leader, Quintessa. Two years ago, he'd left Arcee. Two years ago, he'd never come back. He was fighting back, but his darker side was winning. He'd been weakened when Quintessa had ravaged his mind. His darker side was stronger than he was.

He spent a lot of time in his head when he wasn't forcing his commandeered body not to kill his heir. That and trying to end this.

He wouldn't take his own life if he didn't think it was for the best. But he was already dying and he didn't want his alter ego to wreak havoc. So he'd tried. But once again, his dark side had defeated him and thrown the blade aside.

He landed and collapsed at the edge of another lake. The water lapped at his face and spread cold throughout his body. He sat up, drawing his wings to him.

"Nemesis Prime." He lifted his head, water dripping through his hair and down his face. Megatron bent down a few feet away from him, tilting his head. "I never thought I'd see you on the verge of collapse."

"To pick myself up and rip you limb from limb would most certainly be satisfying," Nemesis said.

"You're weak side is fighting. I know. I can tell. Otherwise you would be flying about, calling your name."

"What do you want? If nothing, I suggest you leave before I make you."

"Nothing in particular. Although, I may have a way inside the Cloud Kingdom."

Jack settled his chin in the palm of his hand, watching Bumblebee pace in front of him. If he closed his eyes, he wouldn't have known the scout was there. Whatever Nemesis had done to him, it was terrifying. He couldn't make any noise.

Raf shifted beside him, rubbing a cloth down the length of the staff. Its sheen had worn off long ago, but it still managed to hold a strange beauty.

"You doing okay?" Jack looked up at the words as they appeared above him. Bumblebee gestured at him, making him look at the scout. He nodded and looked at Miko. She was fascinated with basically every little thing; the designs on the wall pillars, the tapestries, the servants walking down the hall, everything. It was a whole new, amazing world, but she hadn't had to watch Bumblebee lose his voice.

"It's a lot," he said.

"Cliffjumper is with her. I'm just hoping they'll kiss while he is."

"What? Ew!" Miko exclaimed. Bumblebee pretended to look offended.

"You don't ship it?" he sketched. "That is a betrayal! Come here, missy." Miko yelped as he grabbed her and shoved her under his arm, taking off down the hallway. Jack stood up and ran after them, but Bumblebee had only run to the meeting room and dumped Miko on the couch, tickling her sides while words scrawled above their heads.

"Okay, okay! I ship it! Just let me go! Let me go!" She laughed uncontrollably, batting pathetically at his hands. He released her and plopped down beside her, running a hand through his wavy hair.

"I can't believe they didn't kiss before now," he wrote. "They were so endearing to each other before Nemesis that I had half a mind to set them up if they didn't!" He shook his head and Jack sat down beside them, later joined by Raf.

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