A Blushing Mess

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"Hey (y/n)!" My mom called from downstairs, "Can you go pick up Mob from work? It's later than usual so he probably got wrapped up again." I stand up from my bed. I was pretty comfy where I was but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess. Mob often gets held up at work depending on what spirits he's dealing with that day or if there's some elaborate job he's on with his boss, Reigen.
My heart flutters just thinking about the guy. I've had a big crush on Reigen for a while now although I couldn't tell anyone. He's quite older than me, I'm 19 turning 20 soon and Reigen is 28 so where as I'm legal, there's still quite the gap between him and I.  I'm nervous he'll think of me as a little kid still. Although, if anyone acts like a child it would be Reigen Arataka of all people.

I toss a jacket on and step outside. The weather has been getting chilly lately and it'll probably only get colder from here. I trek on over to this building in a shabby part of town and look up at the sign which reads, Spirits and Such Consultation Office. I go in and knock on the office door before entering, "Hey Mob? It's (y/n)."
I see Reigen jumping around as he's obviously fired up in the middle of his conversation, "And that's why I've told you, Mob, I leave all the weak ones for you so you can practice your esper powers! It takes a long time to become a professional like me." Reigen ends his rant with a proud smirk on his face. He can be really into himself at times. I see Mob look past Reigen towards me, "Oh, hi (y/n)! I didn't notice you came in. Sorry, I got caught up at work again, huh?" Mob smiled at me, he's a great little brother, he's very protective of me though. Perhaps even moreso than he is of Ritsu, maybe it's because I'm a girl but even so I am an adult, so he shouldn't worry really.

"Yeah you did but it's okay. Mom just sent me to grab you." Reigen had turned around to face me, "Hey (y/n)! How have you been? It's been a minute since you've stopped by." He smiled and waved at me, I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Hi Reigen," I could feel my face heating up and I hoped he wouldn't notice, "I'm doing well, thanks. I've been pretty busy so usually Ritsu is the one getting Mob for me." Mob had grabbed his things and walked over to me, "(y/n) why are your cheeks so red? Are you warm in here?" I jump,"W-what?! Of course not Mob I'm doing just fine thanks!" I was a little too eager with my answer.
"Are you sure, (y/n)," Reigen says, eyeing me suspiciously, "you seem pretty flustered." I grab Mob's hand and start pulling him towards the exit, "Hahaha, no like I said I've been super busy lately so it's probably just stress or something like that! Bye Reigen you have a good one!" I rush out the door with Mob in tow. "Yeah, bye guys." I barely heard him as the door quickly shut behind us

- Reigen's POV -
"Well (y/n) sure was acting weird today. In fact, she's seemed off for quite a while now. I know she said that she's been busy but... I don't know. Hey Dimple, you there?" Suddenly, a green spirit showed up, "What do you want, Reigen?" He said with clear annoyance in his voice. "Has (y/n) seemed off to you at home or anything? Maybe I'm thinking into it too much but she's been pretty weird lately." Dimple thought about it for a moment, "No, nothing out of the ordinary that I can think of but I guess I'll check up on it." I waved the spirit away with my hand, "Nah it's okay, it might just be me I was just curious." With that Dimple left me to my office to close up for the evening.

My Love For You { Reigen Arataka x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now