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I walked into the kitchen and see both my brothers, Reigen, and Dimple sitting around the table. It's been about two years since Reigen and I started seeing each other officially. Mob looks up and smiles, "Hi (y/n)!" I walk over to Reigen, putting my arm around his shoulders as he places his hand oround my hips, "Hey guys. Hi honey," I look down at him, "I didn't know you were stopping by." He just smiled at me, "Yeah well I figured I'd come see you. I've missed you since you left the office and you're always too busy to come visit me." He pouts at me. I roll my eyes, "I literally stopped by the office two days ago and I was at your apartment last night. I mean, I practically live there. I'm at your place more than I am here and you know that's true." He scoffs at me still pouting, "Whatever..." I sit down next to him, "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about...I was thinking maybe we should find a bigger place together." He looked at me with his eyebrow raised, "What? Why? What's wrong with my apartment? It's cozy." A smile crept onto my face, "Yeah, well...I just don't think it'll be big enough for the three of us you know?" I looked at him, his expression was blank. All of a sudden you could almost see it click in his brain, his eyes widened. He jumped from his chair and scooped me up in his arms, "Seriously?! You're not lying right!? I'll be super pissed if you are!" I couldn't help but laugh at him, "No Reigen I'm not lying to you!" He put me down but quickly pulled me into a kiss. It wasn't until I heard a cough behind me that I pulled away. Mob stared at us intently, "um...so what's going on? I don't understand.." Dimple facepalmed himself, "Oh Shigeo...as clueless as ever." Ritsu stepped in to help him out, "She's pregnant Shige, we're going to be uncles!" Mob's face lit up, "OOOHHH!" we all laughed at him, I could tell he was excited, as was Ritsu. Reigen was beaming with joy, he kissed me again deeply and passionately, "I love you so much (y/n)." He said, placing his hand on my stomach. "I love you too, Reigen."
A/N: Thank you so much for taking the time to read all of this! I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you thought and if you think I should write more. If you have any requests then I would absolutely love to hear it! Sorry if this wasn't the best as it is my first piece but either way I appreciate it if you stuck with me through all of it!💕

- Lex

My Love For You { Reigen Arataka x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now