Talking Mob Down

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I was about to kiss Reigen when the door to his apartment suddenly burst through the place. Both him and I jumped and yelped in surprise, I looked and saw Mob standing there. Reigen tried to hide behind me, "I'm so fucking dead." He said. Mob stepped inside and I could tell he was enraged, "YOU BASTARD!" he cried, "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! HOW DARE YOU LAY A HAND ON HER!" He stepped forward and I felt Reigen's grip tighten around my shoulders as he started shaking. I had wrapped myself in the blanket and tried to calm Mob down, "Mob please it's oka-"
I can see there's tears forming in his eyes, he turns and gives Reigen the worst death stare I've ever seen. Reigen gulps and jumps back.
"I TRUSTED YOU!" Mob screams as he pulls back his fist to punch Reigen. I quickly get up, putting both hands on Mob's face, forcing him to look at me, "Mob please. It's going to be okay I just need you to calm down." At this point Mob started crying, I don't think I can even remember the last time I saw him cry at all, "No I don't want him to take you from me! He tricked you I know it!" I wanted to cry right alongside him, I knew my brother was protective all along but this is something I never knew he felt, "Mob don't think that. First off, no one will ever steal me away from you or Ritsu. I will always be your sister first before anything else. And second," I paused, almost scared to tell him, " Reigen. He didn't trick me into doing anything. I really care about him y'know?" I blushed as I told Mob the truth, "All of this...I wanted it all. I love Reigen, Mob. I want you to understand that he makes me happy." Mob sniffled, "Really? Master didn't do anything to hurt you?" I smiled at him and shook my head. "Are you sure?" He asked further, "Because outside it sounded lik-"
"AHHHH Mob!!" I jumped up, "Let's not talk about anything you heard! Okay?!" Mob smiled at me, "Okay, as long as you're happy, then I'm happy." Mob turned to face Reigen who looked like he was about to jump out of his skin, "I'm really sorry I got upset, master." He said with a bow. Reigen looked from Mob, to me, and back to Mob, "Ahem, yes well...just try not to do that again, Mob. Who knows what kind of damage you could have done and Hey! What are we going to do about my door!?" I laughed at him, yeah because THAT is what would have been the most of your worries. "So," Mob said, "are you coming home tonight?" I chuckled, "Yeah but um...I'm still not...I mean I have to...I'm not dressed Mob so could you guys...?" Realization hit him in the face, "O-oh right! Well then we'll just head home and wait for you! B-bye guys!" And with that he hurried out the door. I sighed, "You too Dimple, you have to go." I see Dimple come out from hiding behind a lamp, he reluctantly leaves the apartment, grumbling as he goes. I sit on the bed with a sigh and turn towards Reigen, "I'm really sorry about all that..." he kisses my forehead and sighs, "It's alright but (y/n)?"
"Yeah?" I reply. He jumps up pointing frantically at the opening to his apartment, "What the hell am I supposed to do about this?!?" I couldn't help laughing, I mean I felt bad but Reigen's reactions are priceless.

Reigen and I got dressed and tried to figure out a temporary solution to the busted front door which was essentially just a blanket we hung up in the opening. He decided to walk me home, it hadn't stopped raining but luckily he had umbrella this time. We laughed and joked and I honestly felt like we were a real couple in that moment. Before I knew it we had arrived at my house, I could see Mob and Ritsu watching us from the window. I wonder if Mob said anything? Or maybe it was Dimple complaining. "Thank you for walking me home." I said, "Sorry our night got cut a little short." He pulled me closer and soon his face was mere inches from mine, "Don't worry about it, I'm sure we'll have plenty more like it moving forward." I blushed and kissed him goodbye, it was deep and passionate. I could feel my heart about to leap from my chest, that's when I heard the door open, "(Y/n), are you coming in now?" It was Mob, I don't think he's super on board with this idea of Reigen and I just yet. I told Reigen to be careful walking home and went inside, giving Ritsu and Mob a hug. I had the best brothers and now an amazing boyfriend. I honestly couldn't be happier than I was in that moment. Dimple was still peeved but I think he'll get over it soon. Im excited to see what the future holds for us.

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