Chapter 12

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Tate stared out across the valley, looking at the black specks that were the cattle grazing in the distance. The mountain peaks towered overhead and the forest hugged the edges of the pasture. A small creek ran through the pasture and all that could be heard was the gurgling of the water and the wind in the trees. It was a beautiful area, and Tate thought it was a shame that Megan didn't get to be out here anymore.

"Steady boy." He softly spoke to Midnight as the horse shifted beneath him. The horse seemed a bit uneasy, but maybe that was a reflection of how Tate was feeling. Despite the beauty of this area, he missed Texas and something in him longed to keep going. He fought against it, knowing that he really didn't want to leave; after all his life was just odd jobs and drunken nights away from this ranch. It was the first job he had actually loved in years.

"What's wrong boy? Are you just picking up on my feelings? Or is it something else?" Midnight's ears were pricked forward and he was more alert. Tate could feel his body stiffen as if coiled to run. The wind carried a scent of winter on the breeze and maybe that's what the horse was sensing. They had to get the cows home in the next three weeks at the latest and Tate wasn't quite sure how he was going to manage that. He would need some help, but he had no idea who to ask. Just then his phone rang and he cursed. How come every time he was in this pasture someone had to call him?


"Tate?" At the sound of Megan's tearful voice, he turned Midnight around and prodded him into a walk.

"Yeah? What's up Megs?" A sob came over the line and he kicked Midnight into a canter. Something was seriously wrong and he was keeping himself from kicking his horse into a full out gallop.

"I-it's dad. I went upstairs to get him and h-he's unresponsive. I-I can't d-do anything! Where are you?" Tate swore lowly under his breath and finally gave into the urge to kick Midnight into a full out run.

"I'm in the far pasture. I'll be there in 15 at the most. I'm coming as fast as I can okay Megs?" She didn't say anything just sniffled. He knew she must be able to hear the whooshing of the wind and the pound of Midnight's hooves.


"What darlin?" The endearment slipped out without either of them noticing.

"What if I lose him too? I 'll have no one left." The vulnerability in her voice tore at him and he swallowed hard. His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest and he wished he had been closer to home.

"You ain't gonna loose him okay? Besides I'm here ain't I? But I promise, he ain't going anywhere." With his panic, his accent had gotten thick and he has slipped into the habit of using southern words. He heard her sniff over the phone again.

"Where are you?"

"I'm comin as fast as I can. I just crossed the fence line where the far pasture and the pond pasture meet." He knew as well as her, that it was still a long ways a way; four miles at the farthest, but he didn't want to think about being too late.

"Okay." He knew the horse could run faster, but he needed both of his hands to help him keep his balance and urge the horse on.

"Listen Megs, I gotta let you go. I promise everything will be alright. Just calm down and keep trying to get him to respond. Make sure he's breathin and that his heart is beatin. I'm coming as fast as I can okay?"

"Okay." When he heard the dial tone, he tucked his phone into it's sheath on his belt, before urging Midnight even faster. It felt like the horse was flying, and he was stretched out, running as fast as he could go. Tate almost sent up a prayer that James would be alright, but he knew that praying didn't usually help him. He was just thankful he hadn't been at the far end of the pasture.

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