( 𝕘𝕚𝕞𝕞𝕚𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 )

201 20 10

iii - gimmie more (britney spears)

being able to sleep in late is definitely something eddie had missed about the summer, especially when he gets to sleep on the softest mattress that's ever made contact with his body, and nobody is able to wake him except his parents when they need to get ready to go somewhere or it's an emergency. most people would assume eddie to be a morning person, but if he's awoken early in the morning, on a weekend especially, he throws tantrums and groans into his pillow until he finally makes up the logical sense in his mind that if he wants to get such the privileged education he's currently receiving, or if he wants to graduate and get into a good college and become a rich man just like his father, he better get up and go to school. private school, too, which starts later than the regular high school because they're just privileged like that. in the summer, however, he has pretty much nothing to do except dance around their big beach house and walk around town, trying to find something that interests him the slightest bit.

this morning he wakes up early with a soft sigh into his fluffy pillow, covered with a flower-like pattern and smelling just like a flower, too. he brings his arms up above his head and begins to stretch his small limbs, then rolls over onto his back and stretches from that position, too, making sure to get everything up and working right away, before he can even step foot out of bed. he lays in bed staring up at the skylight window above his head, takes in the pretty pink and blue sunrise, feeling like he could just reach his hand up and grab one of the sheep-like clouds up there and feel the softness in his hands, put it in his head to collect his dreams or something like that. can you tell he does a lot of thinking nonsense in his free time?

the first thing he does after rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes and yawning is grabbing his phone from where he'd left it tucked underneath his pillow, so his parents couldn't find it and snoop on it if they really wanted to. they have, actually, snuck around on his phone while he was showering and he'd accidentally left it down in the kitchen after breakfast, and his mother burst into the bathroom while he was bare naked and started scolding him over the shirtless mirror pictures he'd taken the last time they were on vacation here, leaning over the bathroom counter with his bottom lip snug between his teeth and one eye shut into a seductive wink. he'd sent it to this guy he'd had a crush on back then, and automatically got blocked, but he figured he would keep it because he looked hot in it and, who knows, maybe one day he would find another boy to send that picture to.

there's a notification for snapchat as soon as he unlocks his phone, and he opens the app and lets out a breathy laugh through his freckle-dusted nose as he taps on richie's new snap and sees a picture of him half-asleep, throwing up a peace sign with the hand that isn't holding the phone, with the caption first morning talking to u. arent u happy about that?

he holds his phone up to get a better angle - he can't have himself looking like a three-hundred-pound child with that under-the-chin one - and captures a quick picture of him looking absolutely quizzical, only one brow furrowed in consideration. does this answer ur question, he types out and then uses the drawing option to scribble over his bare chest, that's only half-covered by the white and blue, heavy comforter. he sends it without hesitation and waits impatiently for another reply, dropping his phone down over-exaggeratedly when he doesn't get any more notifications for five more minutes.

after deciding to finally get up and go into his very own bathroom, connected to his room, he grabs a towel from the big shelf behind the door and sheds his clothing, not bothering to set his phone down as he turns the water on in the shower and waits for it to get warm enough. he prefers the water to be as hot as possible, basically burning his skin off, melting it like he's a witch and someone had just thrown water at him.

finally a notification! he steps in the shower and slides the glass door shut before opening the snap. it's a picture of richie with a pair of glasses a bit crooked on his nose and his curls an unruly mess on top of his head. why u cover ur pretty lil body?? the caption reads.

the boy's got a rosy blush painted across his entire face as if someone's taken a paintbrush and dipped it in pink paint and then swiped it all over, over his cheeks and the very tip of his nose. he can barely even think of a response, he wants it to be something witty so he can get back at richie for saying such a thing to him, making him blush like a schoolgirl with a terribly adorable crush on some older boy. after thinking for a couple of seconds, he just takes a picture of his hand covering his face, showing a little more of his chest than the last one without scribbling anything out this time. he's grinning a little without even meaning to, you can see it through the spaces where his hand isn't shielding his face. better?

and he doesn't get another reply until he gets out of the shower and attempts to dry himself off quickly before he can drip water from his skin onto the marble-tiled floor. he opens the message and it's a picture of richie biting his bottom lip sensually, which eddie shouldn't find so attractive but he really does. he can say he's a bit guilty of making that exact same face in his pictures sometimes, too. gimmie more.

jeez let a boy get taken out to eat at least:( he sends his next snap before he slips his shirt on, with him posing in the mirror just like the last picture.

his phone pings and he picks it up to see the raven-haired boy asked for his location, although he had already gone there the day before to return his airpods. the picture is him throwing up a thumbs up, with only one eyebrow quirked. let me come over & have dinner with ur family?

he doesn't know why he immediately replies yes without even taking a second chance. something about that boy just wont let him think straight.

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