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Medusa! Reader x Blind! Jung Hoseok

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A woman sat in a cave with a small smile on her face, looking. In the distance as her snakes hissed at her mood. "Oh shh, i deserve to be calm every once and awhile."

Her snakes were her hair and they were shoulder length when relaxed.  She had stayed in her cave since she was a mere child, people that came in never came out once looking her in her eyes, She couldnt control her power as it wrong haywire on its own.

The woman had gotten up and walked to the entrance of the cave pouting at the statues of people she had killed. A heavy weight placed on her Shoulders when she realized she wouldn't be able to truly venture out in the world.

"H-hello? Anyone there? Help im lost!" The woman's hair hisses angrily trying to give off a warning and her e/c eyes turned a bright green.

She looks down at the ground keeping her eyes glued to it, a trick she learned that had actually worked. "Yes? You are..lost?"

The woman speaks and she notices the man walking closer to her a slight 'tapping' sound heard with each step he took closer to her. She seems to have held in her breath.

"Yes, My name is Jung hoseok. I'm blind and cannot find my way back home, please help me" Y/n listens to the man before she looks up at him carefully in case he was lying.

She looks him directly in his eyes and after a few moments The man known as Hoseok clears his throat. "Are you still there ma'am?"

She snaps out of her daydream and nods before mentally slapping herself. "My names y/n...anyways im sorry i can't go with you but i can lead you to the entrance of this forest"

Hoseok smiled laughing and it made y/n's heart swell in happiness that someone that she met hadn't turned into stone. "I'd gladly accept the help"

Y/n takes hoseok's hand and She guides him out of the cave singing too herself, as they walked. "Put your head on my shoulder~ Whisper in my ear, baby.."

Hoseok listens to her sing, her voice calming down his body and nerves. Reaching the edge of the forest near a park full of people y/n stopped turning back at hoseok. "Here you go, please be careful next time hoseok, and please don't let anyone know that you saw me. I like peace and quiet"

Hoseok nods tapping his walking stick onto the ground once again as he walks ahead of her a bit. "I won't tella soul, though i may come back and visit. You have such a lovely voice"

Hoseok comments and y/n's hair raises up standing on its own as the snakes now stayed quiet putting themselves in an awkward position due to the embarrassment they all felt."Thank you. Please do come by if you have the time"

  ≿————- End ————-≾ 

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