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|| RULES ||

| | 1 | |

No smut. If you really want to do that, bring the Rp to DMs.
Fair warning, I'm not great at RPing smut and frankly It isnt something I want to get better at.

|| 2 ||

You may tag once every two hours, if you see that I'm online you can tag once every fifteen minutes.

|| 3 ||

I do tend to get bored easily. Unfortunately I do ignore replies when I'm bored. If you notice I'm ignoring your replies, you can ask to reset or whatever you want.

Same goes for me. If you're getting bored or my reply wasnt great, feel free to ask me to change it.

|| 4 ||

You cannot RP as a character that already exists in a show - Password is your favourite show - for example, no RPing as Bakugou or Iida.

|| 5 ||

Absolutely no controlling my characters. You'll be kicked out immediately.

|| 6 ||

No Mary/Gary Sue's (Perfect Characters). You wont be accepted.

|| 7 ||

Don't start RPing until you're accepted.

|| 8 ||

You may have as many RPs as you want and as many OCs, just try to keep up with them all.

|| 9 ||

You do not have to have seen the show or movie an OC was inspired by to RP with them. There are some OCs who aren't inspired by shows, too.

And that should be all~


|| NAME ||



|| GENDER ||

|| AGE ||



|| •OUTFITS• ||


3+ Lines


3+ Lines


|| • WEAPONS • ||



|| •HERO NAME• ||


• = Optional

RolePlay Book || Part 2Where stories live. Discover now