Chapter 7

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Later that night, Peter got pulled onto Tony's lap in bed, who was massaging the boy's bare thighs. God, This was like eye candy to him. Just the way his oversized shirt draped over his small body, his hair all messed up with those flushed pink lips. Knowing that he could play with this boy all he wanted was such a turn on.

"you're an odd man, Stark" Peter smiled, biting the tip of his thumb. He realized that being around him was actually enjoyable and that's the confusing part. Tony is a whole different person whenever he needs to be. He assumed he was just bored with money but Curiosity took over Peter, he wanted to learn everything about this complicated millionaire.

"Really?" Tony smirked as he tilted his head.

"You're just so fucking confusing" he shook his head. Tony's eyes drifted down to one of Peter's bruises that were peeking out of the collar. His shoulders tensed up as he drew in a breath but kept on a poker face, he held his raging thoughts to himself as he let peter continue. " Like, I can't figure you out"

"And we're going to keep it that way" Tony promptly replies, running his hands up Peter's Torso.

"Awe, come on!" Peter whined with pouty lips as he tugged on Tony's shirt, "at least tell me something"

"I wish I was the one who killed that fucker for giving you bruises" his voice thick and scratchy as he pulled up Peter's shirt, revealing the speckled bright red marks. Tony looked up at Peter with judgement and disappointment mixed in his expression.

"What?" Peter muffled with widened eyes as he looked down at his marks, the color of embarrassment painted over his cheeks and pulled his shirt down. "It-It's nothing"

"Peter" Tony said sternly while gripping onto his arms, "don't fucking lie to me" he flipped Peter over and pinned him down onto the bed.

"Hey, what are you doing?" his voice cracked as he fidgeted around his grip, not trusting Tony enough.

"Don't move" Tony demanded as he stripped the boy off from the shirt, examining the marks more clearly now. He wanted to react, to show that this was a big deal that should be taken care of. He bit his bottom lip as a way to hold in the thoughts from leaving. He was too tired for this and tolerated too much bullshit for the day. "You should have told me.."

"Im fine, really"
Tony ignored Peter and leaned down to kiss every single mark on his body. Peter tensed up under him and let out soft small moans, clutching at Tony's loose curls. His lips trailed up to his neck, deepening the kiss at his lips.

"Better?" Tony chuckled after breaking the kiss, smirking at the blushing, bothered boy under him.

"Mhm" Peter hummed as he nodded, wrapping his legs around Tony's waist and bringing him back into the kiss.


Peter woke up spooning Tony under the covers, the sunrise blinding his eyesight. Tony shifted in the bed as he slowly began to wake up and turned to peter.

"Morning, kid" Tony's morning voice filled the air in his bedroom, covering his eyes with his arm.

"Morning" Peter smiled, "think imma go take a shower" he yawned as he stretched out.

"Wait, don't go yet" Tony said as he wrapped his arms around Peter's waist, burying his face in the creek of his neck. "we'll shower together later"

Peter gave in, knowing that it was more of a demand than a suggestion. He snuggled into Tony's body and breathed in the musky scent of his skin. Peter was enjoying this more than he probably should have.


Peter stood in the glass shower as he was adjusting the water temperature when Tony snuck up and hugged him from behind, coating his shoulder with kisses. Peter spun around and pressed his back onto the tile wall, pulling Tony closer.

"Hey, sexy" Peter giggled with a wink as a joke.

"Shut up" Tony smiled and rolled his eyes, pressing his lips roughly against Peter's.

Tony's lips were practically glued onto Peter's skin as he cleaned it off with a floral scented shower gel, it was more of a love making session than an actual shower. Peter was falling into a deep trance with this man

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