Chapter 3 - Blame

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The passenger that was seated new to Alec when the sudden storm blacked everything out was trying to figure out his life too. Jake didn't have much before, during, and now after the flight. He was jogging when he passed by a property where two dogs barked loudly him and scared him half to death. Set them free! He heard in his own voice but he didn't speak it or even think it. The barking continued and so did the voice. Set them free! Set them free! Jake just turned and took off again.

That night Jake tried to sleep at and old friend's house but he kept hearing the voice. Set them free! Set them free! it was followed by a sudden headache. He couldn't help it and took off in the middle of the night to return to that building. A car came to the building too and Jake thought he was in trouble. The person that came out of the driver seat was a familiar face, the person he sat next to during the flight. "What are you doing here?" Jake asked. "Setting them free, I've been hearing this voice in my head since I drove past here. My sister is making me think I'm losing my mind. Part of me wishes we hadn't come back at all, but here we are."

Jake got out of his truck, closing the door behind him, and carried a bolt cutter with him. "To be clear, this is a felony," Jake added. "Yeah, I'm a police officer. I'm pretty sure I know what a felony is." Alec said. The dogs barked loudly at them, "Hey, what if they attack us?" Jake asked. Alec shrugged, "They'd be doing their job."

Jake cuts the chain and open the gate, the barking stops and the dogs just sit there. Alec steps a little bit away and the dog leave the gate slowly until they are out and then they take off "That was bizarre," Alec said. "You think? Now what?" Jake wondered. "I don't know. But hearing a voice in your head one time is a fluke. Twice? Now happening to the both of us? Not a fluke." Alec suggested.


At the station the next morning two men are talking about an older woman complaining about a break-in she witnessed. "Hell of a story, and she was pretty resourceful. Recorded the whole thing on her phone." They both watched the surveillance, "They never enter the property, just let the dogs out, which were picked up by Animal Control this morning. Look, I could go ahead and process the complaint, unless... you want to handle it." 


One of the men pays Alec a visit, "Help me out here. Alec, I got three detectives and eight uniforms waiting on my direction to find these abducted girls, and I'm here trying to put out your fire." Alec was amused by this, "Does this have do to with me?" the guy asked. "Acting out to get my attention?" Alec scoffed, "Get your attention Craig? You are the last person on the planet i'd want the attention of."  Craig sighed, "Then what?" Alec gave a sly laugh, "Huh. I don't know. How about the fact that I take off in a plane, and when I land, my mom is dead? Thanks for your condolences, by the way. How about that I lost 5 years, 6 months, and 28 days of the world, of life? How about... Never mind that my lawyer convinced a judge that I was innocent. I will never, ever stop believing that I didn't commit murder when Madison died sitting next to me in my car. So, yeah, as I am standing here, I am trying to figure out whether or not I should be grateful for being back and alive or just guilty, Craig. Which is where I'm leaning."

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