Night Call

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***Mr. Handsome Stranger P.O.V.****

After she left. I felt something pulling me to hug her once again like a magnet attracting to metal. But instead of metal, she was like a precious angel that I wish she could wrap her angel wings around me and take me with her to paradise. I wanted to be near her forever. Her chocolate brown eyes seemed to be so warm.....yet, they seemed to be filled with sorrow and despair. I wanted to hold her in my arms and hug her making her warmth rub against mine. I wanted to protect her and cherish her. Making new happy memories with her. But I didn't... I regret not doing so. At least I gave her my phone number. But it's too late now we have to go to the hotel and rest and prepare for the last concert till we get a break.

I walk towards the other members. "Tae what took you so long? Jeez! You know what I should have been doing?", I hear Yoongi scolding me and nagging me as I'm walking to the car.

"I'm sorry for taking so long.", I smile as I apologize.

"It's good Tae. Yoongi is just being a grandpa again." Kookie said as he's patting Yoongi's shoulder.

He glares at him, "You ungrateful brat. HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A GRANDPA?! I AM JUST OLDER THAN YOU! ALL I WANTED WAS TO SLEEEEPPPPPPPPP!", he whines to all of us.

Jin started to pull Yoongi and Kookie away before they started to fight with one another like cats and dogs.

Namjoon started to get in the car, "C'mon, we still have time to rest. So stop whining and fighting and get all of your asses in the car."

After all of us got in the car and arrived at the hotel, Jungkook had the brilliant idea to not only drink a whole beer bottle with donuts as well as drinking wine with it but drink Tecla.

"WHERE THE FUCK AM I? WAIT! SUGA WOULD BE A CUTE GIRL WITH A WIG~!", Kookie started to yell out loudly trying to put a charcoal black long silky wig on him.

"GET HIM OFF OF MEHHHHH! JEON JEONG-GUK FUCK OFF!", Yoongi started to run away from him. We started to keep Kookie under control until we got into our rooms.

We all settled in our rooms and calmed Jungkook for at least an hour. I plopped down on the bed to lay down. "You owe us BIG TIME, Jungkook." we all glared at him.

"Sowwy hyungs~. I guess the alcohol got to me. Hehehehehe~!" he said with his usual bunny smile.

"Whatever child go change and let's go to sleep." we all scolded him still triggered and horrified by his actions.

"Fwine." he says pouting. Everybody changed and went to their rooms. Jimin and I shared a room with Jungkook as well. Suga and Namjoon shared another room and finally, J-Hope and Jin shared the last room.

Everybody was sleeping, meanwhile, I'm still awake trying to find a way to fall asleep. But I sadly failed my mission in sleeping. I start to hear my phone ring,
***End Of Tae's P.O.V. ****

I couldn't fall asleep at all. Even though I've tried to count sheep, drink warm milk, and even meditating it didn't seem to be working. I sigh as I get up quietly and go to the living room to at least watch YouTube on my phone till I fall asleep.

"Hmmmmm,'' I said as I walked back to the room quietly and get a slip of paper of his phone number. I plop down on the couch and start dialing his phone number. Should I call him? What if he doesn't remember me? What if he just gave me his phone number because he saw how depressing I am? UGHHHHH! Just call him and talk to him. But...why do I want to talk to him so badly. After all, I barely know him. But... I can't forget about his voice nor his eyes. I'm just gonna call him. I thought to myself as I finally called him. Nervously waiting till he picks up.

"Hello?", I hear his deep voice from the other line.

"H-Hello, umm I'm Y/N. I-Is this the guy that helped me take revenge on my brother?", I said nervously shaking.

I can hear him chuckling a bit. "Yeah, it's me.", he says.

"O-Oh thank god. By the way, what's your name? You never told me your name.", I replied as I started to get comfy. I could listen to his voice for hours.

"My name is Kim Taehyung. Sorry for not telling you sooner.", he says. As his words left his mouth...I was shocked by his response.

"W-WAIT! You're Kim Taehyung? Like in V from BTS?", I said trying to control my inner fangirl.

"....Yeah. Please don't treat me differently now that you know who I am.", I hear him say as if he wants me to see him not as his stage persona but his true human self. I can understand why he would try to wait to tell me his name.

"Why would I treat you differently? You're still human after all. ", I said smiling a bit.

"Thanks~.", he says. I can only imagine his cute yet charming smile.

"So what are you up to?", he asks trying not to make it awkward.

"Nothing much. I just couldn't sleep. How about you?", I replied laying down on the couch.

"I can't sleep either. I'm kinda bored. Do you perhaps be available tomorrow?", I hear him say.

"Yeah, I think so. Why?", I reply. D-Don't make assumptions Y/N. H-He just wants to get to know each other, nothing else.

"Well, I want to get to know you. Plus I wanted to have somebody to talk to.", his voice sounded sleepy.

I smile a bit, "I would love to. Let's go around 4 pm You should go to sleep you sound sleepy. "

I hear him yawning through my phone, "Okay. Goodnight, Y/N~! Sleep well. See ya tomorrow." GAHHHHHH! My heart! He's really gonna make my heart melt.

"Goodnight, TaeTae~!", I said. After that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep on the couch. 

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