Caught in a Lie

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I start to slowly wake up. I hear shuffling in my room but I pay no mind to it. I try and turn over but something is in my way. What is this? I start to feel around the area and feel...a box? I snap my eyes open and sit up quickly. I quickly remember the image in my hand and I shove it into the box and pull the lid over the box as fast as I can. Oh no!! What is someone saw me with the image already?? I slowly look up from the box and see the nurse staring at me shocked.

"Hehe....hey?" I awkwardly say and slightly wave. She stares at me for a few seconds and then clears her throat. She adjusts her uniform and peers down at her papers.

"How are you feeling this morning?" She questions and gets her pen out from her pocket. Like my heart is going to burst because I know BTS and all of my memories are back. I also feel like throwing up.

"I feel good, just a little hungry." I respond. I grip the box and start to lower it onto the ground on the left side of the bed. I look back up to her and see that she's taking notes. What is she writing? Is she writing down how I reacted when I woke up? I hope not, I-

"I'm glad to hear that you are feeling well. I will return in a few short minutes with some food for you. In the mean time, you have two gentlemen that would like to see you. Would you like then to come in or should they come back another day?"

My mind starts to think of the possibilities of who would come and see me in the hospital. Yeah, BTS stopped  by yesterday but that was a one time occurrence. Right? I look at the nurse and I nod my head.

"Great! I will let them in. Is there anything else that you would need?"

"Nope. Thank you for asking."

"No problem." and with that being said she walks out of my room. Okay, breathe. I can do this. Should I just tell my best friend? But, would she want to talk to me? I'm pretty sure she has a new friend. I don't know what to do. I'm going insane!!! What do I do?

" Do you think she's still going through the motions? She I nudge her to see if she's alive and not a zombie?"

"I can hear you. Who ar-" I look up and I'm shocked to my core.


"Are you okay?" Yoongi slowly inches towards me and reaches his hand. I look down at his hand and just stare at it. Should I touch him? I look up from his hand to his face and see that he's looking at me with concern. I look over to Hoseok and see him giving me the same look.

"Ye-yeah, I'm fine." I reply and nod my head. I put my hands in my lap and look down. Should I tell them that I remember? I shake my head and focus on them standing at the foot of my hospital bed.

"Do you know who we are?"

Yes. "No." Why am I lying? This is wrong?

"Oh... well I am Min Yoongi and he is Jung Hoseok. Do our names ring a bell?" Yoongi points to himself and Hoseok. They both stare at me with hopeful eyes. I want to tell them so much that I do, but something is holding me back. Why can't I tell them?

"No, I'm sorry. I wish it did. At least I would know something of my past." I look down at my hands so I don't have to see the hope leave their eyes. I feel horrible. It was quiet for a few moments until I feel a tear fall from my cheek.

"Oh! Please don't cry. It's okay if you don't remember now, you did wake up yesterday. I might take some time." Hoseok says as he walks around my bed to hold my left hand. He takes my hand into his and squeezes it. Wow, his hand is soft.

"Yeah.. what he said." Yoongi inputs and sits at the foot of my bed. I look at him and give a small smile. I wipe my cheek and I sit up straight.

"Not to bother you guys with anything but would one of you happen to know where my phone is? I want to try and call my parents so they know that I'm okay."

"Sure thing." Yoongi stands up and moves to a table across the way from my bed. He picks up my iPhone 6s and hands it to Hoseok. " Here Hobi."

I giggle a little but stop. They both freeze and look at me. I look at them and we have a small staring contest.

"What was funny, Bianca?" Hoseok questions me.

He still calls you Hobi after all this time. "Nothing. I just thought of something funny."

" What was it?"

Before I can even stop myself I reply, " He still calls you Hobi after all of this time. He always called you that so I started to call you my sun-" I slap my hand over my mouth. Oh no. They know.

I stare at them hoping they wouldn't question me. Please don't ask a question. Please don't, I-

"So you do remember, huh?" Yoongi questions.

"No?" I say. They eye me with suspicion but nonetheless, Hoseok hands me my phone. I politely take my phone and power it on. I wait for it to turn on and cradle it to my chest. I feel it vibrate in my hands and look at it. HOLY SHIT!!! 2,986 MESSAGES AND 3,794 MISSED CALLS!!! WHO HAS BEEN BLOWING UP MY PHONE????

" You have some explaining to do Bianca." Wait, that's not Hobi or SUGA.

I snap my head up and see Kim Seokjin walking in my room. FUCK.

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