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Denki and I were walking to the taco joint and he asked me how I was liking UA so far. I mean it was burly my first day but I already felt so attached to everyone and they were all so kind to me. I loved it here.

"sooo do you like any of the guys?" denki had a weird expression like he knew what I was thinking. "I see you get along with todoroki... I saw you give him that drawing."


"No need to be shy girl, a lot of the girls like him, I think momo does. But I mean who wouldn't like momo she's hot... have you seen her boo-"

"please dont continue"

"well excuse me for being observant, as I was saying. I think momo likes todoroki I mean they both stand out the most from our class and I think they'd make a decent couple. Plus todoroki even voted for her as class president, he seems to be fond of her."

When denki said that I felt weird, a little upset. I didn't like todoroki but I didnt want momo to have him. I couldn't compete with her either way so I know he'd choose her over me any day. Like denki said she's got everything a guy wants, and I'm out here looking plain. I could feel my stomach slightly turning but I didnt want to make a big deal out of it.

"well we're here (nickname)"

"um, kami can you order for me please. I usually don't like ordering things myself."

"yeah of course, what do you want?"

" do they have burritos?"


"OK then I'll have that and a orange soda"

denki went to the cashier and ordered our food, then came back with a big smile.

"I got the goods"

Denki and I started talking about video games, apparently he loved legend of zelda too. We agreed to get together one day and play mario kart. After 20 minutes the food came. I got a burrito and denki got some nachos with meat on top. It looked so good, we both devoured the food in minutes. It felt nice to know that at least someone in this country has an appetite as big a mine. He then asked me about my art, and I showed him a few pictures I'd saved of my favorite drawings.

"WOOOAAH wOw (nickname) that's so good, **leonardo da Vinci has left the chat** honestly I bet you'd put him to shame."

"no I'm nothing compared to them, there's more talented people out there, but thank you I really do appreciate the compliment kami!"

"AWW you're so adorable girl.. ...Y/n Can you draw me like one of your French girls?"

"PFFFTTT BAHAHA, aH I can already tell we're gonna be good friends kami."

The waitress came back with the check and I offered to pay, but denki instantly slapped my hand away and gave the waitress a 10 dollar bill. We then got our backpacks and left. It was getting dark so denki walked me home.

"Thanks again kami"

"No problem girl, thanks for tagging along. See ya tomorrow."

"See ya , get home safe"

Once he was out of view I went inside my house. Then I heard a voice that startled me.

"ooOOo is that your boyfriend y/n?!" It was my brother, but I was barely able to distinguish him because all the lights were off.

"no ...kami is just my friend, he was one of the boys we saw on TV remember?"

"oh yeah ,wasn't he that dunce who overused his quirk and looked like a complete dingus after he lost his match sksk?"

"yeah haha, but dont be so rude to kami, he's actually very sweet."

"dOnT bE sO rUdE tO kAmI"

"... ight ima head out"

"I'm joking , god you take everything so seriously y/n"

"Whatever.... speaking of where are mom and dad?"

"They had a mission to attend to, something to do with the league of villains. I didn't really pay attention."

"OH I bet they'll get home late, well ima head to bed, so I'm not late for tomorrow."

"ok y/n goodnight."

"night keiji"

While I was walking to my room I couldn't help but think about momo liking todoroki. Is it really true, or was kami just clowning me? I mean she does seem very attentive towards him, and besides deku, iida and ochaco, momo really is the only other person todoroki talks to. Eh I shouldn't really be too concerned I mean it burly is my first day and it's not like he'd notice me anyway.

Once I entered my room i put on my pajamas and went to wash my face. I ran towards my bed and landed on my stomach slightly bouncing. I then drifted off into a heavy sleep.

HEY HEY HEY, for all of you reading , I just really wanted to say thank you for supporting my story and giving it a chance. I really appreciate it! If you guys have any suggestions or constructive criticism to tell me feel free to leave it in the comments. I'd love to know what I can improve on , to make the story better for all of you! I hope you enjoy ,see you in the next 1. >:•]

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