Brahms x reader [END]

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I woke up feeling somewhat refreshed. I slumped out of bed and get dressed. I went to Brahms' room and pushed the door open.

"Brahms... it's time to wake up." I say as I take him out of bed. Getting him dressed was the one thing I dreaded, the awkwardness and all the buttons. Once he was dressed we headed out of his room and made breakfast. I decided I would make us omelettes, of course a small one for Brahms, but not to small since he needs to eat a full meal.

"Here you go Brahms eat up!" I went to eat in the other room as usual. And looked for a book to read to Brahms later. I sat down awhile after finding one. I just wanted to take a peek of what it was about. 


I haven't gotten a call in a while so this was pretty exciting. I get to the phone and put it up to my ear.
"Hey Y/N!" F/N (friends name) yelled in my ear. I don't know how she found the number but they always where awesome at scoping where I was so I wasn't surprised. "Omg hey! It's been to long, what's up?" I Ask taking the phone into the kitchen with me I sit at the table and finish my food while talking. "It's E/N(ex's name) he came to the house yesterday and my little brother said he wouldn't stop banging on the door he said he wanted to write a note saying sorry to you." They said through the phone I felt my heart drop. " don't tell me he gave him the address!?" I asked louder. " He didn't know what to do he's 10! I'm sorry Y/N..."

We said our goodbyes and hung up. God I'm not reading anything that ass hat sends me! " Sorry you had to hear that Brahms... something- unpleasant happened.
I take his plate and wash it with mine.After that we spend the day as usual.

"As usual you have been such a good boy Brahms!" I smooch his cheek and head to bed. I don't know what's up with me but I keep having these very realistic dreams.

I open my eyes and wander around the house. I see Brahms on his bed. Starring at me. I feel weird so I turn his head back...I hear the rubbing of Porcelain as his head snaps back. Jolting up I breath heavily and try to get my self together.

Malcom came today and we decided to go for a walk. He seems nice but I'm not really into him in THAT way. We went back inside and made our way to my room, I wanted to show him the incredible view form my room it looked over where we walked perfectly! He kissed me... more like ate my face.

"Hey!? What is wrong with you!?" I scream pushing him off of me. He grabs me by the hips and pulls me closer. I can't believe he did that! I've shown no signs of liking him. I pull away, but he keeps persisting, can this guy not get a hint? I pushed him off and scolded him till we heard some noises from somewhere in the house. We rush to see what it is.

"E/N!" I yell seeing the culprit. God how could they do this! They stalk me down, and have the nerve to let themselves in... to a house that isn't even mine! You've got to be kidding me.

"There's no way I'm going with you! I have everything I need here!" I argued. They wanted me to go back to [place your from]! Can you believe that!? I couldn't take the rage and went up to Brahms room. I had tucked him in not 10 minutes before.

" I'm sorry Brahms... I-I just need something to get my mind off things..." I sit on his bed and put my head into my hands. I pull Brahms from under the covers and hug him tight. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a damp spot pressing on my cheek. "I need help Brahms... but I'm all alone... I wish you could help me-if only you could." I ended up falling asleep with the doll in my arms. For a doll his bed is pretty comfortable.

"Y/N GET DOWN HERE!" I wake up to yelling from downstairs. What was wrong!? And why was E/N calling me, I didn't do anything wrong!? I rush down stairs with Brahms in my hands and run to where it was all happening.

"Y/N did you do this?!" He points to lettering written in what I think is blood! God how did this happen? And who did it? "What no!" I screech back. He rants for what seems like forever till he brings up Brahms. "Give me the doll Y/N!" They scream trying to take him. "NO!" I freak out and pull back, stepping away from them. I hear Markus come in and he starts talking to E/N. They grab the doll swings it around and slams it into the table. I felt like everything happened in slow motion... I felt heart brake the doll had broke... and terrified to what they would do next.

The house shakes rapidly and I can't help but freak out. The walls knock around. E/N goes up to the mirror.

"Guys, there's somethi-" CRASH*
They're thrown back as the mirror is shattered. A hand reached out And grabs the edge of the mirror frame.

"Y/N" a little boy voice calls out to me and I stare in shock... was it Brahms... How was he here, I just assumed he died?

A full grown man walks out and kills E/N with a piece of the dolls face. I wanted to be sorry and try to help... but that person caused me so much pain- I kind of wanted their death to last longer. [what a psycho] I run to the hall and close the door. Yes I left Markus in there but he tried to force some weird shit- no thanks. How am I supposed to sympathies with him!? Suddenly the struggling stops. I should be running, Why haven't I moved!? The door opens and the man walks out and stares at me...

"Umm please don't kill me Brahms!" I manage to say covering my head with my arms. He tilts his head and keeps staring at me. I put my hand down and look back.

"Are you okay or?" I ask. He lunges forward and wraps his arms around me. He was hugging me!? I hug back not knowing what to do.

"You followed all the rules, I love you Y/N" he says in a raspy voice. I hug him tighter.

Picking me up he starts walking to my room. He lays me down in my bed before laying beside me. Even if he is a killer I feel safe around him in a weird way I like his company.

I reach over and go to kiss him on the cheek. He turns his head and makes my lips land on his. I push in more to deepen the kiss, he was wearing a mask but it felt like it had meaning. Pulling away I say, "Good night Brahms... Love you." And lay down. That was the best night sleep I've had in a while.


IM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG! half my screen is broken so I can't type as well, but let's ignore that part.

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