Chapter Five: Orange, Two Stripes

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Chapter Five:

Orange, Two Stripes

THE GIANT CONCRETE BUILDING towered over the barbed wire topped electric metal fences which lined the perimeter. I wouldn't have thought that a juvenile correction facility would be so large, but Blackwoods lived up to its reputation. The building was made up of two large buildings, five or more stories, which were connected in the center by a smaller two story building. Two guard houses stood on either side of the large gate that the buses stopped before. I watched out the window as the bus driver of the bus before us passed the security guard something, an ID probably, before being cleared for entrance.

I stared out the window into the yard on the right, filled with boys of various ages. The yard on the left was filled with girls of various ages. Both yards were fenced in with the same fencing that covered the perimeter, the road we drove on going straight down through the center of both yards and ending at the entrance of the middle two story building.

Hoots and hollers came from both yards, people rushing to the fences to see the fresh blood. From here I could see three different jumper colors; orange, blue and brown. That peaked my interest, I couldn't help but to wonder why there was different colored jumpers.

"Get off the bus in single file, don't try to start anything or else we'll use force to subdue you. You aren't in Kansas anymore, boys and girls, and you won't be going home anytime soon." A guard up front stated as the doors to the bus slid open.

It was quiet and still within the bus for a moment, as though all of us delinquents were measuring the odds. A frown pinched the lips of the man before us, his hand moving down to grip a baton that was strapped to his waist. Even so we watched and waited for someone to make the first move, as someone sitting in the middle of the bus I wasn't all too worried. There were plenty of people in between the guard and I, plenty of meat shields should shit hit the fan.

There was a visible release of tension as a girl within the first seat stood, walking past the guard without trouble. After her we all followed her lead, the guard not releasing his grip on the baton until we were all off of the bus. A rather warm breeze swept passed, something which surprised me considering it was January.

The hoots and hollering of the boys and girls in both yards only became louder as we all emptied the buses, a few people tossing rocks through the holes of the fences. While they stood close to the fence to get a good look at us, no one leaned against it. I could only assume that these fences would shock you just like the ones that covered the perimeter.

A loud whistle drew our attention back towards the guards who stood before us, the man who had spoken before standing at the front of their group. "Boys line up in single file on the right, girls to the left."

We did as we were told, two long lines based off of gender forming as the buses pulled away and out of the facility. A female guard stepped forward in front of us, just as a male guard stepped in front of the boys.

"You all have a seminar of sorts to attend seeing as it's your first day. There the rules will be described and you'll receive your uniforms and rooms. Follow your respective guards to the rooms where you'll receive the information." A guard in the middle stated as he motioned to the guards who stood before us.

After we entered the two story building our steps slowed, the lot of us taking in our surroundings. The lobby of this building seemed to be a visiting center, based off of all of the tables and scattered chairs. Our feet slapped against the gray stone flooring as the guards led the boys and girls in separate directions. The boys were led to the right while the girls were led to the left, heading through a door that led up a flight of stairs.

The Rise of the Grim Reaper: Sylvan Sasha WhitneyWhere stories live. Discover now