Where Do I Go From Here?

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Jungkook ran until his chest hurt so much he couldn't breathe. He stopped and let the tears fall. Everything was coming back in waves. He was drowning. He remembered the accident, dance class, being married to Yoongi, his soulmate. His heart felt like it was breaking into pieces. The song that was being played on the piano was his song, the song Yoongi wrote for him on their wedding day. That had to mean something, right? Why was Jimin there? Was he replacing him? The moment his phone buzzed he gasped. Taehyung, god the man that broke him into pieces, how could he be so stupid to beg for him? Yoongi healed him, taught him to love himself. The tears came faster, he struggled to look for the number, he needed to talk to Namjoon. He would help him. He could not go back to Tae.

"Hyung? That song you were playing, it was pretty

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"Hyung? That song you were playing, it was pretty. Did you write it?" Jimin asked as he cleared the trash from their lunch.
"Yes, it was Jungkook's and I's wedding song. I thought I saw him sitting across the way." He added glancing out the window.
Jimin nodded and sat on the couch. His heart beating fast every time he was close to him.
"Have you tried reaching out to him? Maybe trying to be friends?"
Yoongi ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"Every second of every day. I just don't want to make things awkward. He has moved on. If he remembered he would come back."
"Just try Hyung, I hate seeing you this way." Jimin softly whispered "Do it for me." He added feeling the tears fall.

" He added feeling the tears fall

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